Spicy Stuffed Chicken Fatty n'at



Made a stuffed turkey fatty not so long ago and I was hooked...it was Gad!!! So I wanted to switch it up a bit ... Hence... Spicy stuffed chicken fatty...

Ground chicken, chicken stuffing (made per box), sautéed jalapeños , gaarlic, onion , celery, gr pepper and some blue cheese crumbles

2 kinds store made cx sausage ... Jalapeño and chipotle/honey


Seasoned with a lil of chili and garlic cholula with a dusting of 33rd and galena (salt free)


Getting ready for the roll and a "slimmed down " bacon weave

First time bacon weave novice...


And a few ABT to use up all da scraps...


A quick action shot... Gonna try to cook at 300 til I.T. Abouts 165.9012

Lets Go Bucs!!!
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Just about done... Bacon didn't crisp up that great... But I was trying to use bacon to keep it more moist and less chance of drying out....


Short rest then time to dig in...


Not much of a smoke ring bit only used 3 small chunks o apple wood as wifey said the turkey fatty was too smokey...


I gotta say this was pretty darn good... A lil spicy and the blue cheese added a nice creaminess to it... Definitely will do this again!!!

Thanks for lookin n'at!!
Awesome fatty! I have yet to try one and I like spicy so this is something I need to try out this weekend. Thanks for the pics.
Looks like a winner to me, Kurt. Wish the Buccos would follow suit.

Do you go dahn the Strip to get yer Penzey's?
Looks like a winner to me, Kurt. Wish the Buccos would follow suit.

Do you go dahn the Strip to get yer Penzey's?

Yes sir I do... Nothing betta that goin Dahn strip n'at on a stiller weekend... Stopping in at wholeys for a sandwich or Primantis for their #1 best seller! Gotta get Dahn there early or yinz might run into a few jag offs

I love talkin pittsburghese for fun... My neighbor and I sat outback last night listening to bucco game and quoting "Pittsburgh dad" episodes from YouTube ....
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So many meals to cook, so little time:( Great lookin meat roll there Kurt. Do I see some lonely ABTs in the background in one of those shots n'at?

