Spice mill

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Matthew Appler

TVWBB Super Fan
Does anyone have a recommendation for a spice mill? It seems that many recipes I am making require me to grind up spices. I have a mortal and pestle, but I would like to get a spice mill to make the process easier and neater.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif I've been doing a little hunting, and about all I find on the 'net right now are the Oxo grinder sets.

What do other folks use?

I use a little Cuisinart Mini-mate chopper/grinder - works great for spices. Amazon has them for about $25.
I also use a coffee grinder -works great! Turns pepper corns into as fine a grind as you want. I run my chili spices thru it too. Read somewhere that if you grind up some rice after spices that it cleans it out really well
Been running my spices through a coffee mill for years. Also,take your spices, mix them just before putting them on your object you are smoking and the flavor is more pronounced.

Norm /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
A little late to chime in but here goes. I have 2 Krup grinders,one white and one black. The black one is for coffee beans only and the white one is for herbs,spices and Cayenne peppers that I grow and dry myself. Trust me,you don't want to have
your coffee taste like Cayennes!!!!! They are about $20-$25 each and last a long time.
I use either rice(uncooked)or a little kosher salt. Really cleans it up.
Not too late at all! I haven't purchased anything yet, but I am inclined to get a coffee grinder and see how it does! Thanks everyone for your help.

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