Spatchcocked Cornell Chicken


Levi M

TVWBB Super Fan
I stumbled across Cornell Chicken the other day so I thought I would give it a try. Cornell used half chickens but I spatchcocked mine. I had never heard of Cornell chicken before. If you never heard of it, Google it. The marinade/BBQ sauce consists of the following:

1 Cup Vegetable Oil
2 Cups Cider Vinegar
3 T Salt
1 T Poultry Seasoning
1/2 t Black Pepper
1 Egg

I marinaded the chicken 24 hours, reserving some of it to baste the chicken with during the cook. I set up a 2 zone fire, put the chicken on breast side down direct for about 4 minutes to crisp the skin, then turned it over on the indirect side for the rest of the cook. Cooking temperature was 375*-400*. I basted with the reserved marinade every 10 minutes the entire cook. Total time on the grill was about 1 hour 45 minutes till the breast was 165* and the thigh was 170*

Sorry I didn't take many piks of the cook, but it turned out great!

Coming out of the marinade.

Turned over and moved to the indirect side after about 4 minutes.

Ready to eat.

Lets cut this thing up I'm hungry!
Nice looking chicken!! Man you have been cooking up a storm!! Nice work! Love those grill shots!
Nice bird Levi. Surprised it took that long to hit 165* at those temps. I guess basting it as often made the difference in time? Looks great, I wanna try that recipe.
oh man...I just googled it. "What is Cornell Chicken? Its probably the most famous dish that you never heard of." Paint me intrigued. I think I am doing chicken two ways this weekend.
Cornell chicken is fabulous. On summer weekends throughout upstate New York and the Finger Lakes and Adirondacks you'll undoubtedly find a local Fire Station or Elks lodge cooking "Fireman's chicken" aka Cornell chicken on large parking lot grills of loosely stacked cinder block. Typically you can score a leg quarter some baked beans and some slaw or potato salad for a $5 donation. The Cornell chicken recipe really takes me back home...

