Smokey Joe Silver: Craycorts vs. Stock + GrillGrates



New member
Hey all,

I was dead set on buying the Craycort CIG for my SJS and using the stock grate for my SJG Mini WSM build, but after reading Meathead's review of cast iron versus the new(er) GrillGrates (the aluminum grill things that sear and infrared this and that), I am super torn. Both are about the same price - just about $45 for the custom fit pieces from either manufacturer.

I do a lot of quick cook game steaks, buffalo, salmon, veggies, pepper roasting, chicken breast, seafood, etc. on the SJS -- what do you guys recommend?

I don't mind doing the CI maintenance, but I'm wondering if the GrillGrates are just better overall for the SJS application....thanks in advance for the input!
me personally i would go with the craycort. the other system irritates me. having to buy multipals and in many cases having to cut to fit. on and on.
I have Craycort CI on my Performer and love 'em. They do everything I want on meats, fowl, fruits, firm-fleshed fish and veggies. I also have the griddle inserts, and they work well too.
But when I bought a Jumbo Joe as a take-along grill, I didn't want to tote the weight of CI so I bought GrillGrates. They can't be beat for fish, fowl, fruit and veggies, and they cook a pretty good steak.
But my GrillGrate steaks all look too pale for my taste, even though they have great grill marks. To cook the steaks longer would take them to medium or worse. I like a crustier exterior that I get cooking directly over coals.
Hope this helped, and I will keep working on the GrillGrate steaks.
Hey fellas, thanks that does really help. I hadn't thought about the weight, but I rarely drag it anywhere other than the patio. I mostly just have the size because I live in a tiny condo with a tiny patio that already has 3 Weber grills living on it :) I also hadn't thought about the GrillGrates giving a pale color/undercooked look to them between the rails - and I don't think this is necessarily a problem with your technique - all pictures I've seen had the same thing it seemed, like a steamed look.
Will more holes at the bottom of the Grillgrate help darken the meat? I too notice the pale color but the meat is very juicy!
I have the GrillGrates and like them a lot. They are light and easy to move from grill to grill. I have never had any unfavorable color issues with them, and always beautiful grill marks. They do not require the extra care and seasoning of cast iron.
if you want a better sear on a steak using GrillGrates, just reverse them and cook your steak on the smooth side. I got this tip from Meatheads Amazing Ribs page, and it works. You now have a dual-use grate!!!
Ahhhh I swear by my Craycorts on all my grills, including my SJS. I love them. I don't have any experience with GrillGrates, so I can't speak for them. But I have zero regrets buying my Craycorts. I am so happy at how wonderful everything tastes that I grill using them, and I am slowly getting my grilling friends to buy them as well. ;)

I'm sure whatever you pick will work well - others swear by their GrillGrates too, which I respect, even though I haven't tried them -


