Smoked Chuckeye roast this weekend.


Matt Sanders

Tomorrow, I'm trying chuckeye roast on the WSM for the first time. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Here's what I'm planning......

2 roasts, about 2.5 to 3# each.

Roast #1 I think will smoke for a while, then go into a disposable roasting pan (sitting on the bottom grate with water to catch drippings). It will continue to cook (braising) in the foiled pan on the WSM for however long, and I'll add the veggies to the pan with about 2 hours to go.

Roast #2 is just going to sit there and dry smoke as an alternative way to cook it. See what happens. I don't know if the meat would pull at a certain point, or should just be eaten as a roast.

Both roasts will be wet rubbed with Meathead's "Mrs. O'Leary Cow Crust found here:

I will probably use RO lump and 4-5 oak chunks. Water in the bowl. Cooking 225-250.

What I'm not so clear on are what temps I should be looking for, what doneness measures I should use to test, and about how long this should all take. Both will cook simultaneously.


