Smoked Chuck Chili


J Graz

TVWBB Super Fan
Chuck is rubbed with Wolfe bold and smoked with pecan. I took the chuck to about 155* then let it cool, cubed and added to the pot. Smells great can't wait till its done.


Oh and to make this day better (SO FAR) the JETS are up at the half. NICE!
You ain't kidding Don the chili was awesome. unfortunatly the plated pic was missed. Actully I was pi$$ed about the game and just wanted to eat at that point.
I've been looking for a new chili recipe. What kind of meat is it - a chuck roast? How long did you smoke it for? Were you actually able to cube it, or was it shredded like PP?

Thanks for sharing. Peter
It was a chuck roast, about 3.5#. I put it on the performer filled the charcoal holders and added pecan and a few some lit on each side. The grill came up to about 250* and I just shut down the vent and lid vent open. The temps stayed around 275* give or take a few. I pulled the chuck at 155*. I did not want it to be pullable thats why I took it off then. I cubed it then added to the pot. Then I cooked til tender. I found the recipe somewhere here I tried to get a link for you, but could not find it again.
This thread is making me wistful for a nice big chuck roll on the WSM.

We just finished up the last Foodsaver pack of chuck that I had smoked over the summer (21 lbs!). Best bbq I have ever tasted.

Can't wait for the warmer weather!

