Sate Sauce


Jennifer K

TVWBB Super Fan
Corey, per your request, here's my own sate sauce recipe. I use it mostly with chicken, although it's also nice with beef.

Jennifer’s Sate Sauce

1 ½ cups coconut milk
3 tbsp Mae Ploy sweet chilli sauce or similar
1 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp fish sauce – use the thin type, not the sauce with the fish bits in it
1 tbsp eel sauce (optional)
juice of one ripe lime

½ cup roasted, unsalted peanuts
4 scallions – use both white and green
2 cloves minced garlic
1-2 tsp minced fresh ginger
1-2 tbsp chopped cilantro

1 - 3 tsp brown sugar
pinches salt to taste
more ginger or cilantro
more soy sauce


1.Mix the GROUP A ingredients in a saucepan
2.Put the peanuts in the food processor and chop fine and rough - don’t turn them into peanut butter. Add the nuts to the saucepan.
3.Put the garlic and scallions in the food processor and pulse on low till minced. Add to the saucepan.
4.Mince a piece of ginger in the processor and add 1 tsp only to the saucepan. Keep the rest aside to adjust flavor as you go. If you put too much ginger in at the start, it will totally dominate the sauce flavor.
5.Chop the cilantro roughly on a board and add 1 tbsp to the saucepan for starters.
6.Using medium heat, bring the sauce to a gentle boil, stirring regularly. Let it slow boil for about 5 minutes, stirring regularly to stop the edges from burning.
7.Taste it. Add your choice of Group C ingredients to adjust flavor. Simmer for another 5 mins.
8. Sometimes I also include 1 star anise and some cumin, just for a change.

This dipping / finishing sauce keeps for about 5 days in the fridge. It's pretty nice with steamed veges, if you have vegetarian guests avoiding the chicken skewers.
Steve, this sauce is really worth making; in my opinion, it tastes much better than sate made with processed peanut butter. It's not hard to make,so long as you can lay your hands on the Asian ingredients.

