Quick Question on Initial Temp Control


Michael Reimer

New member
Hey guys,

I have a question. Very new at this but have been using my WSM pretty often. What it the best way to get your initial temperature not to exceed 170. I smoke fish and want to to remain low.

1. Do I control the initial temp by only using a few coals.

2. If I only light a few in the center but want a long cook what stops the other from getting hot to quickly. (Unburned coals)

2. Do I just wait until it drops and stabilizes before cooking.

Any other tips or tricks would be appreciated.

Please note my settings:

A. All vents were closed on top.

B. All vents on bottom were closed as I was using an automatic temp controller.

Thank you in advance it is appreciated
I've done this for beef jerky. Light only a few coals and put them on top of your unlit coals. Bring the temp up very slowly so you don't overshoot as it's hard to get it back down once you do. Never close the top vent completely. Stale smoke = bad smoke -- you don't want stale smoke on your meat.
[/IMG]Michael, here is what I did and it worked perfectly. Do not use the ATC, too much air flow. Put 30 or so coals in the ring and keep them together. Light two. Open the top vent and work with one bottom vent. I was able to keep temps in the 160 range without any issue. I used an all natural briquette so don't know how that would affect you.
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ATC = too much air. This is a "depends". My ATC has a damper which can be closed to almost nothing.

170 for ATC. If your ATC can control air to this temperature, the trick is not lighting too many coals.

Depending on how long of a cook at 170, no one says you have to load up the charcoal.

Instead of a pile, how about a ring of coals around the outside with nothing in the middle with a gap in the circle. Light a few coals on one end of the circle, choke the ATC damper and let it control how fast the coals get lit around the circle.

The idea was from here - http://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?35989-Snake-method-for-slow-and-low-cook-on-a-Weber-kettle
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