Question - transporting brisket


Mike D

TVWBB Member
Need some expert advice here. Will be doing a high heat brisket in a few weeks and will be taking it to a party, approx 30-40 minutes away.

Trying to figure out the best way to go about getting it over there so as to preserve the quality of the brisket.

Ive done HH briskets before, so no real questions there. The questions that I do have:

1) Should I keep it in foil after I remove it from the smoker (maybe transport in a cooler) and slice it at the party? If so, do I maybe want to take if off BEFORE it reaches the normal target temp given it will continue to cook somewhat wrapped in foil / in cooler?


2) Do I go ahead and slice it right after I take it off the smoker, wrap it in foil and THEN transport it? If so, any suggestions as to how to reheat it once I get to the party? I worry that it might dry out if I go this route.

Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help - Mike
not sure i am an expert but here is what i do.

i wrap tightly in foil and use a cooler. place paper towels under the brisket and it will keep for hours like that. slice when you serve. if you pre-slice it will dry out.

fully cook the brisket till it is done. do not undercook then hope the cooler finishes the job.
You could go either route. The final decision could be based on logistics at the party, time spent slicing and trimming, counter space to set up your work area, time away from others while doing this, etc.

You could slice in advance, place the brisket in a foil pan; and cover with juice (saved from the cook) and or a little beef broth. Cover pan with foil and heat in oven to about 120.

Many thanks for the feedback. Think ill go with the foil/cooler approach and just slice it at the party.

Appreciate the help - Mike
Definitely do not slice until you are ready to serve. I made that mistake a few months back and the meat dried out.

