Question on Time, Quantity with the WSM


Ernest Buckley

Hey Everyone-
Been smoking now for about 6 weeks with much success, loving every meal. This weekend, I was asked to smoke food for two different parties. Both requests were for pulled pork and ribs. On Friday evening I plan on smoking two pork shoulders, both around 6 lbs. and 3 racks of ribs. I have never smoked that amount of food on the WSM. It usually takes me about 16 hours to do one shoulder so will it take around the same time for two? I`m also throwing the ribs on around the 10 hour mark so they`ll be ready around an hour after the shoulder.

Does a larger amount of food = longer smoke times?

Cook times are for individual pieces of meat. There might be a difference in time because of how long it takes to get the pit up to temp with more cold meat in it and also, individual pieces of meat are all different.


I just cooked to 6lb butts a couple weeks ago. The time was not double, but a little longer. It took about 11-12 hrs. in my case to hit 190. I was cooking at 250 to 275 grate temp. Mostly 250. Rested them for a couple hours after that.

