Pork steak for Jim!


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Ok so didn't really get a fed ex package from Jim but I did pick up some pork steaks! I have been drooling over his pork steak cook for months... Wife cannot eat pork so I just never had the opportunity till today! So picked some up and rubbed them down like this!

And after some guitar practice!

( yea that is an American made strat) and a bunch of yard work we got some cucumbers soaking with this recipe!

Then I found out no kids for dinner either! Just me and the dog but the cook must go on!
We (dog and I) fired up the WSM... Full load and no pan! Bit of cherry wood for smoke!
At about 300 we turned the knob down a bit and tossed on the pork!

And in a bit!

The pork got along fine but the spuds were being stubborn so the ended up crashed (unintentionally)

Oh we used some no 5 sauce ....

And plated!

And this was all super good! Nice hot and sweet on the pork! Cucumbers were awesome and glad I did them!(something my mom use to do but I dont remember it) and ya know what! Thanks Jim for all the encouragement! Super gooood!

Thanks for looking! Take care folks'
Yep, pork steaks are the real deal. Great job Morgan! I'm sure you enjoyed them. Nice strat too. What color - sunburst?
Can't go wrong with some cucumber and onion salad (I actually use my great-grandmothers recipe) and pork steaks!

What's the Rainier beer like? I've never seen it for sale around here,
Mark it was a tabacco sunburst(bit darker than the orig sunburst) I found it on musicians friend a few years back, had to have it! Haven't been playing it as much as I should but started again!

Jon Rainer is a pacific northwest thing! Probably like budwieser or miller I suppose! Maybe a little more hoppy than those!
Wife cannot eat pork
I'd think I'd dye if i could not eet pork... in fact, I know it!
Well, Thanks for the PS Morgan, looks PERFECT!! Glad you found some!
I know a couple of unfortunate souls that can't eat pork...that is just plain wrong in my book!! Those pork steaks look real nice!! Nice looking axe to boot!!
Don't see how pork steaks can be made any better than that Morgan!

St Louis is the Pork Steak Capital of the World, you are now an Honorary St Louisan!
(just need an ice cold Bud or a Busch to go with 'em)
The porks steaks and sides look fantastic, Morgan! Love the pic of the cukes and onions.

Nice Fender ya got there!:)

