Pig wings

Great marketing idea. I guess pigs really do fly. If this hits for you, start cranking out the tshirts and hats!
I am on the hook to supply the BBQ for our FF draft party.
I might "borrow" this and include it on the menu. Will whip some up this weekend and try it with regular wing sauce and see how it turns out.
Good luck with the endeavor.
Looking at the pictures (thanks - they were great), it looks like a piece of rib meat and some loin meat (not tenderloin, but loin as in a pork chop). It that about right?
Thanks Robert. Let me know how the sauce is on them. I just put some in a ziploc with some Italian dressing to marinate. Thought I would try something different. I was thinking to spice things up I may add some hot pepper oil to the marinade to spice them up a bit for those who like to kick it up a notch.

Jerry the butcher at sams said they take the loin which is about 3 inches in diameter and cut it down the middle length wise. Then slice the the loin into pieces and sell them as boneless pork chops. Then they take the other half and slice it again down the middle length wise and slice those into pieces. (pictures) So to answer your question Yes, I guess it is loin meat.

Matt, I took coordinates tonight. N 39 degrees 55.335' and W 84 degrees 16.615'.
Wow! Good stuff.
The store only had one package (about 8 pieces) and so I bought a big ole cow shoulder to fill up the WSM with them.
Bought some of Ken's wing sauce and mixed it with a little bit of my fave bbq sauce. Definitely a hit!
A resturant, Nick's Sports Bar and Pub, with locations in Paducah, and Murray Kentucky and some place in Missouri, has a menu item they call pig wings. They have a bone in them, so you can pick them up, but I don't know which part of the pig they use.
Robert, so you just added BBQ sauce to wing sauce? What was the ratio. That sounds good I need to give that a try.

My sams packs them about 24 pieces to a package. Roughly 5 LBS of boneless ribs in a package. They must sell more of them in your area and package them smaller.

Vyron, I have had several customers come in and tell me they have seen pig wings else where. Some say they had bones others say they had a stick in them. Sounds like the only thing I have original is the cut of meat.

I had a slow weekend for some reason but on the bright side Stu who is a reader of the site came up to visit and eat some Q. It was great getting to talk with a fellow Q'er. I sent him home with some smoke wood. He drove well over an hour to get to my place.

I marinated some of boneless ribs in italian dressing friday night and cooked them saturday. The ones I marinated seemed more dry and a bit (not much) tougher than the regular. Does that seem right? I was kind of disappointed it didn't change the flavor what so ever. thoughts or suggestions anyone?
No. See my first post. If I had to say they were similar to anything I would say they are similar to western ribs. Western ribs have bones though.
Jeff, I picked up a 16oz bottle of Kens Buffalo Wing Sauce Marinade & Sauce and a 18oz bottle of Randy Jones Original Baseball BBQ Sauce with Jalapenos (my fave BBQ sauce from a local baseball hero). I emptied both bottles in a pan, mixed and simmered for 15 minutes. Came out spicy and hot, just like I like my wing sauce.
Gave a few of the "pig wings" to the new neighbors across the street along with a bag of the shredded beef shoulder as a welcome to the neighborhood. They want me to make another batch already.

As far as toughness goes, I can't really comment. I did not marinate plus I fell asleep and left them on a couple hours too long. Some were dry, some were perfect.
...Oh, and I used hickory only since that was all the local store had to offer.

