Pig Heart


Luke P

TVWBB All-Star
I know this is not up everyone's alley, but I went for it and cooked my first offal. This was a delicious, tender, flavorful cut...like a tenderloin or filet.

Heart from a pig I butchered 18 months ago. Been in my freezer since that day.

Trimmed and butterflied


Seasoned with EVOO, fresh cilantro, garlic, S&P.

Seared like a filet on the gasser, and sliced.

Hot off the grill, it was incredible! As the temperature went down, it did get a bit more minerally as it approached room temp. I had soaked it for a few hours, but a friend recommended soaking in milk. Either way, it was worth the adventure, and something I'd highly recommend!
Now that's right up my alley, down my street and around the bend. Love heart, and that looks ace!
Suggestion: Try getting a load of chicken hearts, (they're bite size), season them as you want then put them on a skewer and grill hot and fast. Deelish!

Just remembered, I have two pigs cheeks in the freezer. Yum!
A friend's dad used to do a thing with beef heart he called "Ante Cuchos", his son has tried to replicate it but, Tan kept something secret!
I asked what the name meant and he just said with a big laugh: "Its either before or against Cuchos!" The guy was a college professor who had spent lots of time in South America, great stories. The heart was unbelievably good!
That's offally good but it does my brain in. I kidney eat one myself, I could never liver with myself.

Just waiting for someone to slow cook some brains :wsm:
Unlike Gary above I could Liver with myself just fine, I do the heart of Venison I get each year. Freezing might toughen it some, just a thought. Love it
I don't think I could eat it, but I love seeing posts with a sense of adventure. I think it's pretty cool that you posted it :) I'm sure it tasted great if your into that kind of meat.
Thanks for looking, everyone. I know everyone is saying its outside of their comfort zone. I promise if you saw it sliced on your plate, you'd feel comfortable to cut it with a fork and take a bite :-)
Luke, I'm not going to run out and pick up a pig heart for this weekend's get together, but I wholly admit, your sliced pick looks delicious!
Echo TonyUK's comment on the chicken hearts. Like candy.

