Party coming up...Trying to figure out what I can fit on WSM


Steve davis

New member
So I am having a party in two weeks with between 12-16 people as of right now.

I was thinking of doing a whole packer(first time) and then some baby backs.

I am still hunting down a packer, should find it tomorrow. Then I'll know its size.

I am thinking I could get 3 racks of ribs on one rack, the packer on the other...Sound good?

Any advice?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Steve davis:
I am thinking I could get 3 racks of ribs on one rack, the packer on the other...Sound good?
Yep, I can fit 3 racks of BB's on the top grate and a packer below, no problems. If it is a little long you'll want to foil the ends to protect them from the hot zone. If it were I doing it, I'd start the packer out on the top grate, and once it shrinks up abit and it's time to put on the ribs, then move it to the lower grate. Packers are easy to move during a cook. HTH
It sounds doable to me. I usually cook 3 racks of ribs at a time, just because that's how many are in a package when you buy them at Sam's, and they fit on one grate. You can get a lot more than 3 on if you roll them, or are creative in how you place them. So you should have no problem fitting the ribs and the brisket in the WSM.
I got a nice 6 slot rib rack at Home Depot last summer. Some assembly required, but it fits 3 slabs of baby backs really well; just cut them in half. (You can do 2/3 of a slab in each position to fit 4 slabs of ribs). It fits quite nicely on either rack of the WSM. (I used two of the rib racks to cook 9 slabs a few weeks back.)
I would suggest to maybe consider a good dose of pulled pork, instead of trying to pull off a brisket for the first time, when company is present. Pulled pork is very hard to mess up, and it is usually well received by guests. Whereas there are plenty of ways to mess up a brisket, especially on the first attempt, and under pressure to deliver to guests.
Tom- I was thinking the same thing...But I wanted to have a mix of meats. Thats why I thought the brisket and ribs. If I do pulled pork I would want ot do something besides ribs. Any suggestions?

The other thing I thought is since I don't get to fire the smoker as much as I want(WAY to busy), I wanted to do something I hadn't done. But it was in the back of my head "What if it fails?"
So here is an update on my party plans...

I am now having the party around 4pm, but I am at a charity golf outing till about 3:30pm.

I am just planning to do some burgers and chicken. I figure I will be home around 4pm. I am thinkin maybe beer butt chicken. I am trying to think of some bbq treat that I can serve in a short amount of time.

Any ideas?
I would go with salmon. It is really easy to do and it cooks relatively quickly (approx 1.5 hours). People always rave about it. I use the cooking times in the cooking section of TVWB for a guide and just throw a rub on the salmon. I don't brine and it turns out moist every time. If you don't want to do salmon another option is tri-tip. It normally takes less than an hour and it is fantastic. The tri tip will work well with what you are already serving and so will the salmon. HTH.
I may be wrong but I always thought anything added to the smoker, mid cook, should stay on the bottom rack so raw drippings don't fall on cooked meat.
With the tri-tip, what should it be cooked to? I like my beef to medium, the wife WELL DONE(I know, I know). But I am unsure of my friends...Can I do medium at least?

