One Touch Platinum Cart / Table Project

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Pat Smith

TVWBB Wizard
Thanks to one of our fellow TVWBB'ers, I have a One touch platinum grill (without the cart) for a restoration project.

Does anybody have any plans/photos of a table or cart I could build/assemble to attach the grill once I'm finished with the freshen up project?

Many thanks!

I don't have any plans, but I could probably whip something up for you if you really want them and could give me a few dimensions on the OTP. I'm a drafter by trade, so plan drawings like this are right up my alley. I do want to state up front, though: I'm an electrical drafter, so the mechanical side is not my forte. I can't (won't) guarantee this thing's safety/stability. And it might take a few days or weeks to get them together. I don't have any drafting programs at home, so if you want me to do this I'll be working before work and during lunch, provided I don't have overtime to work. Weekends are also out, as I don't get into the office on weekends.

No charge for this, as I truly do enjoy my job and don't mind helping people, but it's something I'd do in my free time. If you're interested in this, shoot me an email (it's listed in my profile), and make sure the subject line mentions something about this. I'm leery of emails from unknown addresses.

Again, I want to stress that I in no way guarantee this to be safe. I'm a drafter, not an engineer, and if you lose a cut of meat because this doesn't work, I'm sorry, but I won't be help responsible. This will be my first time attempting something like this, and I think that with a little foresight and common sense I can make it work, but I don't want to be sued for anything.
Chris - you are too kind!

I'm a lawyer and tinkerer - not a drawer, but I'll draw up something that has been rooting around in my mind since the fed ex box came yesterday.

Is your email on your profile? If so, I'll draw it up, scan it and send it to you!

Thank you so much for the offer!

Yeah, my email's on my profile. I'll be waiting for your email. I just got on Weber's site and found that I can get general dimensions for all the OT grills. Below are things I would like to get from you:

1) The size of your grill (18.5, 22.5 or 26.5)?

Weber's site is very general on their dimensions, so I'm going to ask for some very specific dimensions so I can make this as close as possible to the real thing.

<STRIKE>1) The height from the ground to the bottom of the charcoal bowl. If you have a OTG, please remove the ash catcher and see if you can measure to the bottom of the actual bowl.</STRIKE>

2) The height of the charcoal bowl/grill itself, without the lid on. Basically, I'd like to get the distance from the bottom of the bowl to the very top, without the lid. The Weber height doesn't specify if they include the lid or not, but I'm assuming it does.

Getting these two things for you will allow me to draw the bowl exactly as it is in real life, which means I can make the table match up to it exactly as well.

<STRIKE>3) The diameter of the legs.</STRIKE>

<STRIKE>3) The distance from the center of the grill to the inside edge of each leg. Note that on the back two legs, this probably means two dimensions: one in the X (north/south, if you will) direction, and one in the Y (east/west) direction. </STRIKE>

<STRIKE>Getting this info from you will allow me to draw the legs at the right angle, meaning I can design the table around them. If you've got some tool that will measure the angle, even better. Just give me the angle of the legs.</STRIKE>

I apologize in advance if these requests seem a bit anal, but it will really help me to have this info, as it will help me to make sure the table mates up with the grill well, and remains sturdy.

Any particular materials you want this made of? Any particular thickness you want the tabletop to be? I was thinking of doing something similar to the Preformer's table.

Edit: If you have an 18.5", I can get these dimensions this weekend from my grill. I'm home on the weekends, and I'm planning on using the WSM this Saturday, so I'll be out there anyways. If, however, you have something larger, I can't get the dims myself.
Hey Pat,

I am going to make a cart for my WSM out of a gasser frame. The frame is too narrow so I cut the middle section out of the top rail. Now you can put a work table on it and the top will strengthen it back up. Cut the hole to fit your grill and done.

Maybe I can draw a sketch would be easier to understand.
sent you an email with pic of cut gasser. Just need to add a top and done, If it is too heavy and yur afraid it will tip sideways, just add a kickstand hehe
Chris - thanks! I've got a homework assignment!

Right now, all I have is the bowl and the ash catcher ring, ash catcher, charcoal grate and gril grate. I didn't get the legs. I can measure my OTS stainless since its the same grill bowl.

I'll get everything all drawn up and measured and send it to you this weekend!

Many thanks!

OK, after doing some research after work on the OTP, I realized it doesn't come with legs (at least, not according to the pics I've seen of it). It just sits in the table. Oops on my part. I thought it was set up similar to this, but that's seemingly not the case.

So, skip anything I said about the legs. I feel like an idiot now. The initial design in my head was based on it having legs, but no biggie - this would be real boring if it all went according to plan! I want to do my best to work with what you have, and not require you to get things like legs just to make my design work.

So, if you can just give me the bowl measurements I asked for, that'd be great. I'm going to go back and edit my 2nd post and strike out the info I no longer need.

Getting ready to do this has made me want to go out and get a $100 CAD suite for my Macbook. I saw it at Nebraska Furniture Mart awhile back and looked into it, but decided that for $100 I didn't need it, especially since I wasn't doing any drafting outside of work. Now I'm kind of wanting to go get it so I can maybe do projects like this on the side for some money in the future, but oh well. I'm definitely not doing it for money this time for two reasons. 1: I doubt Chris would be happy I'm doing something like that on his board. 2 (the main reason): The only CAD software I have is licensed to my company, and if I use it to make money for myself, I would be crossing over into some legality issues involving software piracy. Since the drafting programs we use are expensive enough to land me jail time (plus a very hefty fine) if convicted of piracy, there is no way I'm going to risk that.

After editing my second post, I realized I can't count. I had 1) on there twice. Oops again.
Pat, did you send that email? I haven't got anything yet, and it looks like it's not in my spam folder. If you haven't had a chance to send it yet, that's cool, I'm just wanting to make sure it didn't get lost somewhere along the line, and you're sitting there waiting for me to work on something I've got no info on.
Hi chaps ,,came across this the other day ,i know its for the green eggs but theres some great. ideas on here ,thought it would help.
Chris - I'm sorry - I got swamped at my work and haven't had a chance to send anything. I apologize. I just checked the thread for the first time in a couple of weeks. I'll email you off list this week.

Thank you again,

No problem about the wait, man. Life happens, and typically comes at you fast. I was just wanting to make sure that A) my email address in my public profile was correct (because we sometimes see what we want/expect to see when checking things like that) and B) that my spam filter hadn't just kicked it out and deleted it. I did check the spam folder, but I wanted to make sure anyways.

Whenever you get a chance works for me.
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