Oh My Diet!



TVWBB Super Fan
I'm turning 40 in two months, and I decided last week to lose 30 pounds by 10/11. (And a 43-year old friend just dropped dead of a heart attack, which makes you think.) Today I ate salad (lettuce, carrot, onion, tomato, and a pittance of grilled chicken). Salad sucks. For dinner, Chinese food of steamed broccoli and sauteed string beans. Very tasty, but . . . .

This site is killing me.

I've got 6 pounds of frozen pulled pork and an entire smoked flat in the freezer. And a microwave just daring me.

Well, I am almost 10 pounds into my quest.
I guess the que will wait two more monhts.
Originally posted by russell swift:
What about exercise?
I am working in exercise. But one odd result of the diet is that I can't sleep at night. I find that I can't fall asleep until 2 am, which makes it hard to wake up at 6:30 for the gym. Since I work late and have plans most nights, evening workouts are tough as well.

I did eat some Q this weekend. But not nearly enough. No, not nearly enough.

My yearly checkup, however, showed perfect blood pressure and resting pulse. If the cholesterol level comes back low, I'm treating myself to a bacon sandwich.

(Yes, I know, I have to stop thinking of food as a reward.
But one odd result of the diet is that I can't sleep at night.
All the more reason to force yourself to get to the gym for a good workout with plenty of cardio. You'll sleep better. And--burn more than you consume and you'll lose weight no matter what you eat. Increase exercise, decrease portion size.

Good luck with it.
I really feel for you.
I'm dieting as well.

I'm 5'5" and at my heaviest I was right about 200 pounds. Not too incredibly bad but I've developed sleep apnea as a result (currently uncontrolled because I absolutely can not sleep with a CPAP, appointment with an ENT in two weeks to see if I can get a mouth-piece).
I've been dieting for a few months now and am down to about 180. I'm trying to get to 160-165. The good news is since I started losing the weight I'm not tired during the day and the Mrs hasn't been noticing me having episodes. A friend that had severe apnea lost 150 pounds and his went away, hoping that happens with me.

My rule is be good during the week and I can have 'q one day on the weekend.
I don't think it's too bad because we're rendering most of the fat out of the meat anyway right?
No sugar in the sauce and 'q is probably the perfect form of meat for a dieter (humor me here guys).

For exercise I've been doing some running a couple of times a week (building up to it). I also walked to work this morning (just over a mile) instead of driving. I was going to walk all summer then we had several weeks of a lot of rain then the 100+ temps for a couple of weeks. This week is good weather so I'm walking.
I agree with Kruger 100% on this matter. If you go to the gym immediately after work and burn off some calories, not only will you feel better afterwards but you will be exhausted come bedtime. I've tried waking up early to lift/cardio, but it just doesn't work for me. When your body is tired and your sugar levels are low, go hit the gym....you'll notice a difference within days.

JMHO, but I don't believe in fad or gimmick diets. Studies have shown that weight loss atributable to diets will eventually reappear. I think its a matter of forming habits, good habits, and exercise is the most important habit. Plenty of exercise will let you eat all the BBQ you want!
Well If ya need a little motivator maybe I can help you. I have been sick since June uo tp now. Thinking its was pneumonia. Well I have a heart condition and I am down to 10% useage. I spent the last weekend on life support for 3 1/2 days. ( Mr. Rankin when I am up to it I have think I may have some apple wood for you I just have to locate it). I do not smoke or had a drink since 1996. Only thing I miss right now is my BBQ. So do not let it sneak up on you before you take control back.
Check out a book called Body for Life. 30-60 minutes of workout (weigts & cardio) as soon as you get out of bed 6 days a week. Eat 6 "meals" a day 6 days a week. The 7th day? Well, that's your whole hog have some Q and don't work out day. I started the plan at 275 or so, got down to 232, and did 5 sprint distance triathlons. (OK, I finished 'em, didn't win 'em) I tell you, it works.
Went to the doctor in February.He told me my chloresterol(?) was up BUT it was due to my good numbers going up by 15% and the bad numbers going down by 5%. He wanted to know what I was doing. I told him it was all the good barbecue I was eating. He told me to keep on doing what I was doing
As it turns out, this post is EXACTLY what I need (at the moment). As I sit in a hotel room in Louisville, KY wondering where I'm going to go for dinner. And since it's on the expense account, it might as well be something good!

I think I'll focus on locating a good salad - maybe with grilled salmon or tuna? Anybody online from E. Louisville (Jefferson Township's where I'm staying) have a suggestion?

Keep after it - I lost 50 lbs a year and a half ago. I've gained about 15 of it back - primarily due to a slight injury that got me out of my excerise routine. You can eat anything in moderation if accompanied with excerise!

Originally posted by Clark "Harbormaster" Hodgson:
Check out a book called Body for Life. 30-60 minutes of workout (weigts & cardio) as soon as you get out of bed 6 days a week. Eat 6 "meals" a day 6 days a week. The 7th day? Well, that's your whole hog have some Q and don't work out day. I started the plan at 275 or so, got down to 232, and did 5 sprint distance triathlons. (OK, I finished 'em, didn't win 'em) I tell you, it works.

I have guys I work with that are really big on this book. I agree that it DOES work, but none of them can seem to stay on it for more than a few months.
It isn't WHAT you eat, it's more of HOW MUCH of it you eat. Me, I'm a little over weight, and I can point right to my problem, I am on midnight shift a lot, and break the golden rule of eating within 3 hours before I go to bed, and not having a good sleep schedule. (Sleep 3-4 hours in the A.M., then up, back to bed in the eve for another 3)
Just because you are dieting doesn't mean you have to refrain from good bbq. There is always chicken, turkey, pork loin, and salmon you can eat on a daily basis.
I like bbqing a bunch of chicken breasts, vacuum seal them into single servings. Makes for a quick and healthy lunch or dinner.
I do the same as Robert. Sam's is great for this. I like to pick up one of their bulk packs of chicken breasts and do this. Easier to keep away from the junk if I've got a bunch of healty food all ready to go.
The added benefit is that I package it when I'm not hungry so I know how much to put in one bag (portion control is one of my downfalls).

Originally posted by Robert Shackelford:

I like bbqing a bunch of chicken breasts, vacuum seal them into single servings. Makes for a quick and healthy lunch or dinner.
It doesn't sound glamorous, it doesn' have that edgy ring to it, and is not a get-thin-quick scheme, but I've lost about 90 pounds on Weight Watchers so far, with another 35 to goal which I WILL reach before the end of 2006. Robert and I are CBJs, and for some reason the weekends that we judge have almost always been our best loss weeks.

We have DEFINITELY not cut out the BBQ. I tend to fire up a WSM once a week and load it with chicken breasts and quarters, and then use that through the week for various dishes. Hot-smoked cajun-spiced catfish is both tasty and fast for a weeknight dinner. Sliced brisket flat (if you cut off the fat layer after cooking) is just as legal as most any other lean beef, though you have to watch out for the point. Pulled pork and spare ribs are your more dangerous meats due to fat content, so those are a special treat for us. My sugar-free-fat-free slaw is on this site and has been popular - nobody needs to know that it's "legal" if you don't want to tell them.

If you're interested in a program that can be customized to your interests, lets you splurge occasionally, AND brings down blood pressure, equalize blood sugar, bring down cholestral levels, lets you eat pasta and potatoes, and teaches you a good program that DOESN'T make you feel deprived and that you can use as a plan for life and not just a "diet", think about giving Weight Watchers a try. No, I'm not connected, but I've just been extremely happy with what I've learned and applied with their help. Robert, who does indeed have a manly-man's appetite, has also been pleased with the meals I've come up with - it's kept him off of medication for diabetes, which in itself is worth the work!

Keri C, still smokin' on Tulsa Time
I'm in a simalar situation as Stone, and am trying to lose some weight and lower my B.P.. My wife is on the weight watchers and by association so am I to some degree
, Yesterday I did a butt, and we splurged on that.

What I was wondering is if you could elaborate a little on the difference between trimming the fat before the cook vs. renderingit out and trimming it after the cook? Which is what I did with the but when I pulled it .

Thanks, going to forward your slaw recipe to her!


