No smoke Flavor



New member
I have done three pork shoulders my first was bitter, and took the advise of the forum and have not had any more bitter flavor. The last two smokes have had not flavor. The second cook I used KBB with maple, and the third I used Royal Oak red lump with maple and Hickory. I used the minion method on both and about 4 chunks of wood. The pork pulls very easily and is tender. Just can not get smoke flavor.
I would question the source of your smoke wood. 4 chunks should be plenty and if you notice no flavor then the wood is too dried out to add anything but smoke.
Wood with the right moisture content makes a big difference.

Agreed on wood type. I buy my smoking wood from HomeDepot, as it is local. I have found that the prebagged chunks and splits from them, are very dry. I did a double smoke of a small precooked ham this weekend and I use about 4 chunks and 1.5 split of hickory / cherry mix. I was not over smoked.

Are you keeping the top damper full open?
I am using a 14.5 WSM, top vent open, I was running 220 most of the time i did dip to 210 and I opened bottom vents more I did have a harder time controlling the temp but it never got below 200 or above 250. I cooked 10 pound shoulder until internal was 165 (6 hours) then i foiled the pork and cooked until 200 (2 hours). The maple and hickory were western products purchased from Walmart. I did not have water in the pan, I used a mustard and a brown sugar spice rub. I covered the pork with mustard, rub and let it sit for 24 hour. Started the coal added to the fire box and let it sit until the billowing smoke clears and the temp stabilized. Added some most of the chunks and when smoke started i added the pork.
I like maple (sugar) and it's perfect on cuts of pork like loin or chops, but to me a butt or shoulder is made for an all hickory cook and pecan would be a close second.:wsm:

get some nice applewood and try everything you did exactly the same way.

if still no smoke flavour, please see a doctor. :)

seriously, apple wood on pork ribs will make your life so much better, so much better, so much better.
oh wait, .... i did NOT mean that!
I would see a doctor but it is not just me noticing no smoke flavor. If I soak the chunks for a few hours would that help. Guess I should try and and see worse case I learn something.
I've noticed if I'm doing the cooking I really can't taste the smoke that well. Usually it's very noticeable the next day when I'm eating the leftovers. This is especially the case on super long cooks where I know I've smoked the heck out of the butt or brisket I cooked. You could always try adding more chunks. I've gone as high as 8 on a low and slow depending on the size of the chunks.

