New WSM User


M Smith

TVWBB Member
Well did my first overnighter on the WSM. 14 hours later I pulled off and coolered a 10 pound Brisket and a 6 pound Boston Butt. Qed them at 220 she held temp great did the clay saucer mod and the bottom rack mod. BUT here is my problem there was NO smoke ring nor smoke flavor. I put 3 chunks of peach just barely nestled in the top of the charcoal as I do with my drum but It didnt work. Any sugestions would be great. I have to say I love the temp control I will finally get a few hours sleep at comps now with out worry.
Peach is pretty mild. Did you put the meat on cold or room temp? Putting on cold helps with a smoke ring. As far as smoke flavor I would try some different woods like oak or hickory. I understand not a lot of smoke flavor because I don't usually taste alot of smoke flavor most of the time and I use alot of cherry.

I would experiment with other stronger flavored woods and increase the amount. My understanding is you get the ring and flavor from the first several hours after the meat comes to a certain temp and the bark forms you don't get nay more smoke falvor that is why the smoke ring only penetrates so far.
IMO, smoke rings are vastly over rated. I've gotten narrow smoke rings, but plenty of smoke flavor throughout the meat. As far as the smoke flavor is concerned, 3 chunks for two large pieces of meat, depending on the size of the chunks you used, may not have been enough. I've never used peach, so I cannot comment on its intensity. Next time you might use 4-5 fist sized chunks of a more intense smoke wood for that much meat

