New! Kingsford Hickory!


Scott Dace

TVWBB Super Fan
I've been using this now for the past 3 weeks. I like it. It takes the guess work out of adding smokewood with a nice consistant burn. I'm using it now as a matter of fact (doing 2 fresh picnics for pulled pork). I went to Lowes to buy a couple bags of Cowboy but saw the hickory briquets, they are $9 and change (including Mass tax...of course)for a 15lb bag. I also bought these NEW! Nuevo! firestarters from Grate chef. They work pretty good, I just toss one on top of my loaded chimeny and let it go to town. I haven't tasted or smelled anything off in my food. And the plus is no fluff from paper blowing around.
I'm sorry, I forgot to mention how much the fire starters are. $3 and change for 6.
I think Kingsford Hickory has been around for about a year now, but it can be hard to find, thus it's "new" to you.

They also make a Kingsford Mesquite and a Kingsford Charwood (also hard to find).

man I keep reading this on this site, just for kicks I gotta take my camera into wally world here and take a picture to post. Its the biggest stack of Kingsford i've ever seen (beginning of the season) including the above, misquite, hickory and regular. No comp or charwood though here, I get the comp at Home D and have actually never seen the charwood. the comp is so nice I don't really feel im missing the charwood. ...don't worry I bought about 9 bags of RO a couple weeks ago though cause the cost of comp is a little.. well.. not low.
The Kingsford Charwood is abundant in my neck of the woods. I really like it for high heat cooks, I haven't tried it for a long 'n' slow session yet. Still looking for that competition K. to try.

