Need vs Want

I like having nice spatulas.
Some cooks need thin ones while other cooks need thick ones.
My current favorites are the large Blackstone ones that Walmart sells for $18 a set.
I know it’s cheesy buying a Blackstone set and even cheesier buying them from Walmart but they rock.
They just feel right and I sharpen their edges to use as cutters when I go Benihana style.
I also have that monster size one (that could shovel snow).
It works great to lift a pork butt with.

$10 for a set of those?
Heck yeah.
Any day of the week and if you didn’t like them you could gift them away.
My daughter just got a griddle.
She happily took all of my second and third string gizmos that I really needed at the time.
My needs and wants became separate categories when we ran out of space to store anything that wasn't absolutely necessary. While I've got plenty of space for grills, there's no more room for utensils :)

