My First ABT's!



TVWBB Super Fan
First off, the cold is starting to set in here in the Great White North. Snow has started and winter is now upon us:


Even colder today as I write this up.....

And here is what the outside is looking like.


So, at any rate, yesterday was our yearly big family gathering, and due to the snow and highway shut down, some folks couldn't make it, but we pressed on with those that could. So I figured, hey, I should bring an appetizer. What about ABT's? And thus began my first ever run at these.

Softened the cream cheese and added some S&P, garlic powder and onion powder and mixed. Stuffed the peppers and then fried the bacon lightly to get it started cooking. Wrapped and here we are before we get rolling:


Not the prettiest wrapping job, but I could never wrap anything anyway.........

Getting the WSM up and running with hickory wood for the smoke this time:


Got up to 250F very quickly with a full lit chimney and held nicely. Time to get them on!:


And here they are about 30 minutes into the cook:


And another half hour later, perfection!!:


And a couple of close ups:



These were so damned good! Will definitely not be the last time that these get made at our house. And for a first time doing them, I know they can only get better the next time. Family downed them and were asking for more. Even the little kids were eating them like crazy. Will have to do a double batch on the next run, just so I can have some extras for myself!!

Thanks for looking all.
Great lookin' ABTs, Derek. My experience has been you'll make them more often than you ever thought you would, everybody will love 'em, and there could always be a few more. Thankfully, they're not hard to make.
Great looking abt's! Love the close up pic! I like to put a little bbq sauce on them just before there done. I like to use a chocolate bbq sauce I got from
Wonderful looking ABT's. You've made me feel guilty not firing up one of the grills this weekend cause of the temp.
Thanks all. I will definitely be making these way more often than not. Just too damned good.

Gregory - Don't feel bad! Just get out there and cook something!!
Nice job on the ABT's. They are one of my favorite appetizers. They don't last long in my home, either!

Relatively easy to do, with GREAT response by a variety of people. Can hardly be better!

Keep on smokin',

