Mr. Brown



The Renowned Mr. Brown Chris has posted looks so good that I am going to give a try this weekend. I was thinking of trying a modifed version. Instead of basting the butt's with the Southern Sop I am going to inject the butts with the Southern Sop the night before. Anyone else ever try this? I normally do not inject my butts at all so I am excited to see how it turns out.
My opinion, do both. I used Minion's injection of cider vinegar, veg. oil, apple juice and a little rub. I injected the Mr. Brown's one time before the went into the smoker and another time the night before. I felt that the butts that were injected before they went into the smoker turned out the best.
If you had a choice of one or the other. I would go with the sop. Injecting a butt is always fun, but I didn't notice too much of a difference in taste. Give it a shot. Never be afraid to experiment.
Good luck.

I would inject for sure. I will be in the Peoria area traveling with my WSM I have two new SS Injectors should I bring em.
I have been asked to provide some BBQed pork for a friend's party later this month, so I get to do two 4 kg shoulders. (Lucky me huh ? Word is starting to get around
I have been toying with the injection idea and when to do it ... based on this I'll do it about an hour before it goes on.


