Missouri > Kansas City: BBQ Crawl LC's, SLAP's, Ricky's BBQ, Brobeck's, Jones’ BBQ



Apologies up front, I am posting this way too late for almost everyone. But on the outside chance that someone has the time, interest and resources, I'm inviting you to a Barbecue Crawl of Kansas City from April 20 to 23.

The crawl has been in planning at Roadfood.com for the better part of a year and is being led by two individuals with strong Kansas City connections. There will be people from many parts of the U.S. and at least one couple from Canada. Many of us have never met before, except online. If you like to eat, you will not feel out of place with this group.

The latest complete list of planned food stops and other activities is at this link. There is more than barbecue on the list. We'll be sampling breaded pork tenderloins, fried chicken, burgers, pie and a whole lot more. Special arrangements have been made with several pit-masters for sampler plates at attractive prices.

So if you have the time, a love of barbecue, and are within driving distance (say St. Louis or Raymond) please join us for any or all of the KC BBQ Crawl. It is still not too late to find bargain hotels and possibly decent airfare if you are coming from the right location.


We arrived at the legendary Arthur Bryant's before their scheduled opening. The counters were empty and most of us did not understand how unusual that was.

While the rest of us were trying to get our bearings, BuddyRoadhouse took the bull by the horns and the pig by the squeal and ordered several platters of glorious barbecue for the group.

The food and the portions were perfect. As we were eating, bus after bus of band students were delivered and formed enormous lines. Jeff and Chris played Arthur Bryant's perfectly - in and out with no waiting.
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I was in transit on Thursday and did not arrive at our hotel until 11:00 that night. Fortunately, my devoted Roadfood friends and fans left burnt offerings in my honor. This feast from Slaps BBQ was waiting when I got there. I loved that spicy sausage. That is PieDiva's photo. I thinks even more food was stuffed in that box when I got there. Many thanks to my devoted followers.
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Jone's Bar-B-Q


Sausage, ribs, briskets, and butts... Jones BBQ in Kansas City, Kansas (Free State) offers the best of everything.

I think I liked the burnt ends at Jones best.
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Schlotz offered his one spare brewery tour ticket to Bobbi & me. The kind folks at Boulevard Brewing allowed us both in with the one ticket. We've done many brewery tours and this was one of the best. I was unaware of the brewery's size and the huge variety of both ales and lagers (ciders, too!) that Boulevard produces.

We were rewarded with samples following the tour from a wide variety of offerings. The pale one on the right is cider.

KCBS Headquarters is located right across the street from Boulevard Brewing. Great thinking by KCBS.
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Ricky's was another barbecue stop where they seemed excited to have the Roadfood Family visit them. Like Jone's, Ricky's was located in Kansas and is minority owned. I don't know if either of those attributes was a factor in the welcomes we received.

We came for barbecue, but left loving the chili we were served (photo by wanderingjew).

The barbecue was great of course, we were in Kansas City after all.
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A quick run to Danny Edward's followed the City Market. Many of our stops in Kansas City seemed closely spaced, but required freeway transit and abrupt lane changes to exit to the left. We arrived safely.

We all got about the same thing.

Ribs and burnt ends were excellent. Pie Diva chose a smoked turkey sandwich.

Good fries. I might have tried the turkey. I think this was one of the better barbecue stops.
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LC's Bar-B-Q


LC's Barbecue was my favorite barbecue of the crawl.

These ribs were about the best I have ever eaten.

Good burnt ends and some mystery meat at the bottom, too.
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By the time we got to Brobeck's we were too full to eat. I nibbled on the ham salad and still wish I had eaten more.


This was at the other table. They did not share.
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JRP's photos have apparently vanished so I'll help out with some LC's shots from back in April of 2014. We got our food to go and then ate it in the Kauffman Stadium parking lot:


