Meat prep night before smoking?

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Sonny Jordan

TVWBB Super Fan
On ribs, I like to trim, remove the membrane, light cheap mustard, and heavy rub. Then foil and fridge. Smoke the next day.

Anyone do anything differently and what about brisket and butt?

Pork Eat World
I do not apply rub more than a couple of hours in advance of the cook on ribs but brisket and pork butt a day or two in advance is helpfull.
It all has to do with time. If I have enough, I do the night before. If not, I do that morning.

I have never noticed a difference in the taste between day before and day of preps. At contests, your meat needs to be inspected first so everyone can only season just prior to smoking....except for ribs and chicken...they cook quicker so don't need to be put on as early as butts and briskets.

Matter of fact, that rub will not penetrate more than 5mm anyway, so there may be no need to prep the day before. Perhaps I can experiment this weekend on some ribs.
Hello Ines, I was wondering, too. It is just easier for me to do it the night before. I do let them set out for about thirty minutes or so before I put them in the smoker.

Jim, if the ribs are refrigerated, should they get room temp before putting them in the WSM.

Pork Eat World
I have rubbed ribs teh night before the smoke and a couple of hours before the smoke. My decision to rub teh night before or the day of is generally driven my schedule. I have honestly never been able to tell a difference in the flavor or moisture content.

I know some say that rubbing teh night before with a rub containing salt will wick the moisture out, but I just haven't been able to tell a difference.

When I cooked the 30-something pounds of spares for school 2 weeks ago, I applied the BRITU rub about 11PM Thursday, and began cooking at 8AM Friday. The rub had wicked out a considerable amount of liquid, and they were a goopy mess. They still tasted good, but they WERE a mess.

FWIW, I cooked spares at home this past weekend and I knew I didn't have enough time to let the rub sit for 2 hours. So after I "dusted" them, I used my fingers and mashed the rub into the meat as opposed to just letting the "dusting" sit on the top of them. After 1 hour - all the time I had - they looked just like they do for me after resting for 2 hours after dusting. Tasted just as good too.

The BRITU rub is a brine and the salt will draw out moisture, hence your mess after leaving it on overnight.
The WSM does such an awesome job on ribs it's really hard to mess it up no matter what rub you use, but I have found that the 2 hour mark is just perfect, longer and the ribs are just slightly drier, I've never left it on less than 2 hours so I can't comment on that.
Hi guys. One thing for sure. Always put a rub. I ttried smoking ribs with no rubs, just salt and pepper. Forget that idea!!

The rub's the easy part. Removing the darn membrane is what gets me.
Ron, I agree.

I experiment making rubs with such stuff as ancho chili powder, chipolte powder, wooster powder, etc. Of course I keep a big jar of no name rub from Sam's on hand just to make sure I don't run out. Saved me several times.

Pork Eat World
You wouldn't have gotten into trouble if you hadn't been there. Grandad
I almost allways put a rub on ribs or a butt the night before I smoke. Cant say I notice a difference from any that I have rubbed just a few hours before a cook. I mostly do this to save time the day I do the cook.

However the cooks I have done when I have let the rub stay on overnight or up to 24 hours did not have a ham or cured taste.

I believe to cure a ham it takes a mostly salt rub quiet a bit more time than overnight. Anywhere from 4 days to 3 weeks. Since most rubs I use dont have near that much salt I have never tasted a ham like taste from smoking ribs/butt.

Try catfish skinners on the membrane.. Works like a charm... /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif


bugg /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
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