Low and Slow


M Halle

TVWBB Member
Low and Slow....has anyone read this whole book...or should I say tutorial? I am brand new to smoking and am looking for a good starting spot. I was gonna do and follow what is on this website...but the book low and slow is saying a lot of stuff different. I want to know if anyone had read this and followed it and what did you think of it. I don't wanna pay the $15 if it isn't worth it.
Ask questions here for free and save the $15 for meat or fuel! This place is great and everyone here is very helpful and friendly. Welcome aboard.
Thanks John. Kinda what I was thinking. I was planing on going tomorrow and getting the rest of the stuff i need for my first smoke. Was planning on getting some Kingsford and the rest of the stuff I need and reading the sample of the book...he was talking about using lump. From what I read on here that lump is harder to control.
I've been using Kingsford forever. One thing for sure, on my Performer it's been a reliable workhorse, and now that I have a WSM I'm liking it even more.
As for spending the money on the book, the people on this site (not me) will teach you anything you want to learn. Top notch site for sure.
Hey, I've got the book and there is some good stuff in there especially the toasted spice blend. But I wouldn't be too worried about following it exactly. What are you planning on smoking? I know a lot of the guys here use Kingsford, but I prefer an all natural briquette or lump. Lump gives me a better smoke ring and with long and slow cooks you won't have to fool around with it too often. Just my two cents, welcome to the forum there's lots of helpful and friendly advice here.
As the others have said, learn from the folks in this forum. Out of curiosity I'd still buy the book, because that's the way I am. But I learned quite a bit from the folks here, primarily that there's no one right way to barbecue or to grill. I'm still learning, and I'm having fun...those are just two other bits of advice I got from this forum.
I have Low n Slow as a kindle book. I read it cover to cover and use the info to my advantage. I don't follow it to a T but it has good info for the beginner and made me realize this is just cooking and not to stress over the small stuff.
I have Low n Slow as a kindle book. I read it cover to cover and use the info to my advantage. I don't follow it to a T but it has good info for the beginner and made me realize this is just cooking and not to stress over the small stuff.

Ditto. I think it's a good read if you're a beginner (I was) or a bit more experienced. Granted, the more experience you have also means you're set in your ways. lol Like Dwain, I didn't follow everything to a T and took some things with a grain of salt - but it was helpful in building the knowledge base.

