London Broil


Steve Allen

TVWBB Member
I was lucky enough to find a 8 pound London broil. Never had one this big. What do you guys think? Indirect, slow, low heat? Or over coals, speed it up, higher temps? I seem to be in a quandary. Cost to much to mess it up!
I'm not real sure. I've always known it as a london broil. I have no idea what part of the cow it comes from. But cooked right, it sure is yummy.
London broil is a method of preparation not a cut. Years ago flank was typically used. Marinating first then broiling - or grilling is the usual flow. Top round has been common for some time. Unless it is marked I've no idea what you have.

I'd suggest bringing the roast to room temp over a couple or three hours. Grill at low temps, indirect, to allow the meat's temp to rise slowly. This will allow tenderizing enzymes in the meat to do their thing. When the meat nears the point when it will soon be done do a finishing sear. Rest 10-15 minutes. Slice thinly against the grain.
8 lb. ! Whatever the cut, that's one big London Broil! Always thought Montana to be "Big Sky" country ... Now we know that it's "Big Broil" country!
We had a new Safeway open up. I think it was a one time deal. They have not had any sense. The piece was 1.25 in. thick. Unbelievable. My grill will be very happy.Thanks for the tips!!

