Loin Trim Lunch on a Beautiful Day!


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Yesterday was the best day of Spring, so far.
Dry, sun and clouds, temp in upper 70's.

Had a couple of trimmings from a pork loin.
Dusted well with Tasty Licks rub.

Pickles, Provolone, and spicy mustard on an egg bun from a local mom & pop bakery.

Too nice to eat inside.
Played vintage soul music via Pandora.

Side dish of cottage cheese, and a cold brew.

Finished with peaches and ice cream.

Took a nap, and started work on my stuffed loin supper.

Life is good, and it is too short not to enjoy it!
The food is always better eating outside........nice looking plate.......................d
I like your quote Bob...."Life is good, and it is too short not to enjoy it!"

Bob I like the way you cook. Nice job. What is the attachment you have on your smart phone?
Ideal first phase of this Beautiful Day Bob.
Right or left no bear on the horizon, only beautiful lounch menu in front of you - simply cool post.
I gotta stop lookin' at these posts....
going out for dinner with the inlaws and i'll probably pig out (again...)

Quite a Lunch my friend!
I hope to eet this well once I retire! (if He'll allow me to)
Bob - the sammie and desert are freakin' awesome... WOULD LOVE THAT FOR LUNCH!... the loin cook ain't too shabby either!!! Well done sir!
Bob that looks like quite the delicious lunch! I am jealous for sure! I have those speakers too and they work great for being so small
Thanks everyone!

Tony & Michael,
It's the X-mini II XAM4-P Mono Capsule Speaker on my ipod.
Prices are from about $18 to $30 at Amazon, depending on the color.

