Lobster and Salmon


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
This was Friday nights cook. Easy- fast and delicious.

Started with some adult beverages...

Here's the main event...

I put the lobster and salmon on cedar planks and smoked with pecan wood.

Got my butter and garlic mixture ready. Added a little cayenne powder. This is for basting.

I can't recall how long it took but it was a fast cook.

This Friday night dinner was great. Next time I will add habanero death dust to my basting mixture.

Thanks for looking.

Tony and Maribel
Tony looks like you got the Lobster cook figured out. Fish don't look bad either. ;)
Great cook tony. Planking the lobster- that's cool and original. Dig your ideas out there on the west coast man.

Don't lift the lid...
Tony, I've never grilled on cedar plank with fish before. Does the skin stick on the plank? I love cooking salmon with skin on for more flavor.
Tony I said it before..this my friend....


Looks like a party!! Love it ...I dig the weber Boston seasoning as well!! Used it last nite!
Great cook! Haven't done lobster on the barbie yet. Love salmon smoked with pecan wood. Great choice!

