La Flama Lump

Howdy! My local mexican grocery store is now carrying La Flama lump. The bag says 100% Pure Mesquite Charcoal. Any experience out there? I'm not a huge mesquite smokewood fan, but no experience with it as a charcoal. Thoughts?
Haven't tried that brand (I use Lazzari and AceHW), but use mesquite charcoal all the time (grilling and smoking). The flavor is pretty neutral, and not as offensive (to me). My goto briquette is Rancher/TJ's - which seems a little more neutral, but is sometimes harder to get, and not as re-usable between cooks (grilling & smokes).

Hopefully you'll have similar experience with yours. Let us know how you like it.
I use RO lump a ton, and really like it, but in my area, lump is really scarce, so to see a new one is pretty exciting. We're kind of in a food void here. Too far south for sausage culture (WI) but too north for good bbq culture. Stay tuned for a review on this lump, i'll use it this weekend most likely, probably on some burgers or something benign like that.
Mike -

Be careful with mesquite lump. I have used several brands and they have a tendency to pop a lot. They don't seem to have as strong of a scent as the smoke wood and does seem to cook well though. I have smoked and grilled with it and in both cases it performed well.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Don Dukes:
Mike -

Be careful with mesquite lump. I have used several brands and they have a tendency to pop a lot. They don't seem to have as strong of a scent as the smoke wood and does seem to cook well though. I have smoked and grilled with it and in both cases it performed well. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I have only tried Lazarri Mesquite Lump and as much as I like it I can confirm that it sparks like a Forth of July Fireworks exibition. Every time I use it I have an urge to raise my American Flag.

