Kettle with QMaster Jr Auto Temp Controller



TVWBB Member
Wanted ribs today but knew I needed to leave the house for a few hours so I decided to set my kettle up with my Qmaster Junior Temp Controller. I set it for 225deg and cooked the ribs 3-2-1 style. They came out great so I'm happy the QMaster gave me the peace of mind to leave for a couple of hours without worry of my temps going crazy.

Pics of Temp Controller Set up

Grate wrapped in heavy duty foil

Added Kingsford Competition Charcoal and 3 chuncks of wood for flavor and color......2 Peach and 1 Cherry.

Ribs at 5 1/2 hour point sauced and ready to come off....notice how much charcoal is left over.

Sliced and ready to serve...

It was an ATC that a guy over on BBQ Brethren was promoting. Picked it up for like $58 shipped which was hard to beat. I've used it several times on my Kettle and my UDS with great success. Both hold temp pretty well on their own, however adding the ATC really does allow me to walk away from the cook till the food is ready.
I got the same ATC with my Weber kettle and it's quite nice. I know they're working on a new version with a better display amongst others - I can keep you updated when I hear from the production in China if you're interested.

