Kettle Lid Finish

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Walter R

My old kettle was originally black but has faded to charcoal grey.

This weekend I used the kettle to place the top rack from the WSM and got some butt juice on the hanging lid. It was dark so didn't notice until the morning.

Any suggestions on removing the stain or refinishing the lid to remove the stain?? I tried soap/water/brillo....

Thanks in advance....
super strength greased lightning (yellow bottle)

and some 0000 steel wool.

it will take off spray paint without ruining the porcelain finish.
I seem to have had good luck with soft scrub and paper towel for cleaning just about anything Weber enamel related-anyone else use soft scrub??
Thanks guys for the ideas.....tried a degreaser I had on hand with some 0000 wool....put a dent in it, but can still see it.....took off a small patch of white paint though that had been there for some time

Added some things to the grocery list to try....
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