Just some ribs


John Wheeler

Going on a short car trip today, so I have a little free time and decided to post some ribs I made a few weeks back. I picked up a used kettle for $15 back in November for my rotiss set up. For the rotiss kettle's maiden voyage, I decided to use my ribolator. Hadn't used that gadget in a while, so heck, why not? Here we go...

Waiting to get all jazzed up.

Coated with Wicker's basting sauce. Rubbed with Fast Eddy's all purpose rub.

And out for a spin...

A quick action shot. Hopefully it works!

Wrapped with butter, brown sugar, a bit of maple syrup, and honey. To hard to balance with the additional foil. I went with the contraption and just rotated them once in a while. All good.

Out of the foil and back to the ribolator. Used the juice as a baste until it was time to sauce. I would do this step again.

The girls like the Baby Ray's. Who was I to complain? I finally got to make ribs again!

All done and ready to get wrapped again to stay warm for a bit till the rest of supper is ready. That's why it looks like a ton of sauce. Most will be stuck to the foil when it's time to eat.

Just a pile o' baby backs...

Just staying warm now...

Blurry pic, but you get the jist. My mom wanted some ribs too, so she buyed and I flied! That was all the excuse I needed! All in all, it was a pretty successful day. Thanks for stoppin by...
←gigglin'.... Awesome Post John!
I miss the rib o lator but not the clean-up...

Your ribs
look GREAT!
"Just Some Ribs"? That's an understatement. Those are amazing looking ribs John. Very nicely done. Very cool vid of your Ribolator!
Great looking ribs there,that rib o lator is cool !! Where do you get one? Could you do wings on that thing?

The ribolator is my old reliable, go to method for great wings. Hassle free during the cook, but as one Mr. Jim Lampe says, "I miss the ribolator, just not the clean up!" You can find them anywhere
Nice pile-o-ribss, John. Inspiring me to go pull a rack out of the freezer. Temps above 40 here next weekend.
Man those are some good looking ribs John. How do you like the rib-o-lator? I was looking at those a while back but didn't pull the trigger...



