Just realized I never posted pics of these

Scored this off of CL the Friday before Fathers Day, It's a "B" 1980 kettle, and practically pristine.

I had been working on the homeowner who had this one under a pickup camper. She wasn't interested in selling it.
My oldest son convinces the SoDT to drive him over there, negotiates the sale, and gives it to me the day after Father's day. Made me cry I tell ya!

Had to sell my OTG to make room for them!

Also got this from one of the Sheriff's Deputies who got it for free from a neighbor. I'd had seen it sitting behind a shed for years just rotting. It looked a lot better from the highway at 55 mph!

The handles had literally rotted off, so replaced them with some Brian O'Neal maple handles.

Those are wonderful additions to your collection Clark. Soon you'll be able to host the official Weber Museum.
why does it seem that its always the same guys finding all the great stuff ? i think its a conspiracy, yep, thats it.
i cannot find a decent or any red grill for nuttin. oh, nice grills !

