July 4th Report...How did your Q do?

Well, did two butts, 3.2 lb and 4.5 lb over 9 1/2 hours. How now Mr. Brown!!! Best pulled pork I have ever made. DE-LICIOUS!

Carolina Red and Home made Mustard Sauce. With smmer cole slaw. It was great. Just got done eating, Will post a report with picks on another thread.
Kevin,the ribeyes were a little cold, not room temp,i was "rushed" by the kitchen "boss". I did let them rest about 5 min. I'll try the cook again soon! thanks.
Mine went great. I cooked my first pork butts ever. Even though I ran into some problems during the cook they came out amazing!

Wasn't exactly the 4th, but my Dad just got out of the hospital on Saturday. The meds he's on has reduced his appetite to about nothin'. Served him up a pulled pork sandwich. He had no problem finding an appetite for that. Ate the whole thing. So I guess my Q did pretty well.

