Is this Weber S-650 Summit a good deal at $425?


Edward Lee

Been thinking about replacing my Kenmore gas grill. Wondering if this used Summit S-650 is a good deal at $425, or if I’d be better off spending a bit more for something like a new Genesis E-415?

I probably shouldn’t comment since I am not a fan of that generation of Summit.

I would be wary, since it looks like in the pictures that heat has been escaping from the rust prone firebox front, scorching the outside of hood.
You're better off avoiding Summits all together. Seriously. Expensive to maintain, rust out a lot, lots of firebox issues, replacement parts either hard to get or off the charts expensive. Better off finding 2 "real" Genesis grills and going that route
Older side control units. They were the only ones that actually "broke any new ground" in gas grilling. The burner layout allowed far more versatility and broke with the "me too" same old same old mold. Now they're the same as about any other gas grill whether it's a $200 Monument or a $1300 "Genesis".
At $425, that grill is not a good deal. As others have already stated, replacement parts are expensive for those grills and you already know from the description of it that it is going to need some new parts. I would also expect to have to replace the cook box on it as well. As Jon Tofte mentioned, you can see the smoke stains on the lid where probably it is escaping from the rusted out burner tube holes in the box. I might be willing to take on the project, but I would first need to verify that all needed parts are available and even then I wouldn't be too excited about paying anything more than $0 for it. It would be one of those "I would be happy to haul it away for you" situations. At the end of the day it's still a 17 yr. old grill that needs work and expensive parts.
Thanks to all for your insights. I knew I’d get sage advice by checking with this group first.

I should probably stick it out for another year or two with my rusty Kenmore, or maybe spend a few $$ and replace the rusted out pieces. I generally prefer to cook on my WSM anyway except when I’m in a rush or doing something basic like burgers or brats.
Edward, I wouldn't put ANY money into an old Kenmore. Check in with member @Bruce in Wisconsin and let him get you setup in a REAL Weber - a fully restored classic Genesis that will last for years and years with just reasonable care. Or, be adventurous and find one to restore yourself!
If you just use it for burgers and do not need the space, you can pick up a new 2-burner Spirit II for the same price and get a 10 year bumper to bumper warranty. I gifted one to my grandson as his first grill and it is really a nice performer.
Edward, I wouldn't put ANY money into an old Kenmore. Check in with member @Bruce in Wisconsin and let him get you setup in a REAL Weber - a fully restored classic Genesis that will last for years and years with just reasonable care. Or, be adventurous and find one to restore yourself!
The difference in durability shocked me when I finished assembling my new Genny and then had to move my rusty Kenmore out of the way.
The difference in durability shocked me when I finished assembling my new Genny and then had to move my rusty Kenmore out of the way.
I bought my Dad a Kenmore gas grill for Christmas back in about '01. I already had a Weber Genesis but figured the Kenmore was fine for Dad. I cooked on it the following summer and was instantly embarrassed by what I had done. My Weber was so much nicer. I didn't say anything but the following Christmas I got him a Weber Silver B to replace it. I put the new one together for him and dragged the Kenmore down to the curb without even asking my Dad's permission. I still feel bad about that to this day but at least I made it right.
Now I’m feeling all embarrassed to be caught owning a Kenmore grill. LOL! 😳😁
No, it's not that. You don't realize sometimes how much better something is than something else until you actually use both. We had always bought Sears Craftsman and Kenmore products and they were always good. I bought that Kenmore grill in good faith thinking it had to be at least close to the same quality as my Weber. I was mistaken, but the real proof was the difference in the way they both cooked.
I think at 1 time they made Kenmore. I have a spirt 3 burner for about 7-8 years, it's ok but the higher end are a lot better choice, I got what I could afford at the time.

