Interesting find: Raspberry PiJuice Battery Pack Kickstarter



New member
Hi guys,

I ran across this post on TechCrunch with information about this kickstarter.

It looks to me like it could be a cool add-on for the HeaterMeter. If it would work, and you guys know better than I do, it would eliminate the "trip wire" sittuation I know a few of us face with the HM plugged in to a wall outlet or extension cord.

What do you guys think?

I'm not sure how much use it would be. It won't run the 12V so the blower will be off anyway. The worst you'll lose on the Pi is something like 5 minutes (or is it 15?) of the graph if you kick the plug out and plug it back in. The HeaterMeter also boots in about 1 second so it isn't like you'll be out of control either.

