Independence Day Brisket for the Family


Bill Schultz

TVWBB Hall of Fame
So tomorrow having my side of the family over for the Greatest Day In the history of the world. American Independence Day. First packer brisket for me. Got a 14lbs. Choice brisket. Got the WSM 22.5 started with the minion method, small coffee can center on a full bag of Stubbs.
Got the brisket injected with beef broth and Worcestershire Sauce mix and rubbed with Worcestershire Sauce and rubbed down with Texas Brisket Rub and let it sit all day in the fridge.

Got the WSM started for a all nighter, setting the alarm for 0500 to check on status and make any adjustments. I will probably loosely foil the tip area of the flat at that time.

Wish me luck, doing Road Side Chicken tomorrow once the family is all on board and shooting for a 3pm eat for all.
God Bless America, and God Bless it's Citizens
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Great looking start! Wishing you a Very Enjoyable, trouble-free, cook !!! :wsm:

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Well checked the WSM at 0530, held 230 all night, what a sweet mama she is. It is now 0845, I moped the brisket with a mix of Sweet Baby Rays apple cider and apple juice. Great looking bark.
I have foil loosely around the tip of the flat area and the meat is now at 178. Went on the smoke at 1030 last night. Going to have to keep a sharp eye for tenderness starting in a few minutes.
So, how much sweeter can a smoker at any price be than this, started it at 9:30 pm, watched it and got her settled at 230 by 10pm.
12 hours later this is what I got, same temp at the grate gauge too. Meat temp 180.

Started watching close with low lift of lid and skewer at 185. steady progression down the packer from point to tip. At 193 degrees the skewer slid in like a key in a well worn lock.
Pulled her, let her sit on the counter for about twenty minutes or so while I made the bean dish, foiled her and have sitting insulated well for a 2:30 sit down. Put some more wood on the smoker, still got plenty of life left in those coals, Love me some Stubbs, got the special bean recipe in the cast iron pot on the smoker now, pics to come. This is the brisket after she came off.
Bean Dish on the smoker for two hours, apple wood. Light red kidney beans, black beans, three cans of Wegmans Brand Baked Beans.
Four Jalapeno Peppers seeded and diced small.
Thick Amish Bacon in CI on stove top to brown, jalapeno's in next, then the rest of the beans. On the smoker.
Wife's family recipe Potato Salad which is her most requested side dish. It is phenomenal. Corn on the cob is cooked and Road Side Chicken goes on the grill in an half hour.

This is shaping up to be one heck of a day!
So today had a fabulous meal with my family, the brisket came out incredible, juicy and very tender, passed the pull test with flying colors. Bark was great.

First time with the Roadside Chicken recipe, best chicken anyone ever had, my family says both the brisket and chicken are musts from now on.

The beans were really good and to be honest I have nothing left, except some burnt end material I stuck aside when no one is looking.

Happy Birthday America, celebrated with great American Food and Family. I am very lucky.
Bill, the food looks great. I am doing a brisket for my wife's birthday on Saturday. Hope it turns out as well. You did good!!
Thanks Guys for the encouragement. Lot of work cooking for twenty people but loved every minute.
Very lucky the packer turns out as well as it did, my first one. I credit all the guys here for the advice and experience. Made a huge difference.
Way to go, Bill!

Thanks Guys for the encouragement. Lot of work cooking for twenty people but loved every minute.
Very lucky the packer turns out as well as it did, my first one. I credit all the guys here for the advice and experience. Made a huge difference.

Another big win for you, Bill. Nice cook! That brisket looks PERFECT.

I'm thankful for a lot of things today, being Independence Day. I'll save the flag-waving for another outlet, but among other things I'm thankful for the ability to tap into the vast pool of expertise here on this forum. I would have wasted a lot of time, meat, and money trying to figure things out on my own.

