If anyone in shouting distance is looking

Yah, I agree larry. They are larger than expected. I can barely shoehorn mine into my 7x7 shed with my riding mower.
The thing is, I was considering having you pick it up for me as I thought it was NG for some reason. I am almost positive I will be hooking up next spring and having it on the line would be very handy. But, no big deal. If I want to go that route, I will just get with you and figure out how to convert my LP one. It will save me the hassle of trying to sell the LP one.
Besides, while I am pretty sure I am going to hook up, I don't know how much it would cost to run a line out to the front deck and I am not sure it would be in the budget as I will need to run a line to the wash room for the dryer.
I have those glass beads as well. THey look like they are melting with the heater on. You can just put a good layer of the glass beads down or even put the ceramic logs on top of them.
Oh well, C’est la Vie!
Honestly I am close enough to it that it would be a piece of cake for me to get it IF I had an open bed pickup. And I would then simply offer it to whoever wanted to make the run here for it.. But, ain't no way that thing is getting in (even a larger SUV) like mine. So glad I didn't run all the way to the WI Dells area to get the one from Bruce only to be so totally surprised :D
One day I am gonna get me a pickemup or at the least maybe a flat bed trailer or such

