I could not find any Weber Firestarter cubes at any HD in San Diego.


ariel b

TVWBB Super Fan
I usually use those Weber firestarter cubes that come in packs of 24 from HD. I normally pay about 2.29 per pack and buy 5-6 boxes at a time. I finally am down to my last box and went last night and found out that HD is no longer going to carry these. Bummer! Then I called BBQ Galore because I know they carry these there too but they want like 4-5 bucks a box. I browsed and browsed and luckily, I found them on the weber site for like 2.29 again
Shipping is 7 bucks for the whole order so it wasn't too bad. I just had to order like 12 boxes to make it worth my while.

What are other things you use to start your fires?
I use a Sterno wick (not the solid fuel) that's used under chafing dishes. Five minutes under a chimney, just long enough to get a few bottom coals going, and I blow it out - they can be used over and over for a long time.

I have used many different things to start the chimney. My current favorite is using the side burner on my grill. About 2 minutes is all that it takes.
I agree that the side burner of a gas grill works the best.
Ace Hardware (in Ohio) carries a fire starter that might work for you.
Also, I have use 3 pieces of newspaper and the chimney placed over a convex chimney door. (This allows plenty of air to circulate and keeps the patio clean.)
Originally posted by ariel b:
Hi Bill,
what is OSH?

OSH (Orchard Supply Hardware) is a California chain of hardware stores started in San Jose at least 40-years ago. About 10-years ago Sears bought the chain, but kept the name. Most stores are located from Los Angeles to San Francisco.
I use dryerlint soaked in vegetable oil or olive oil. Put soaked lint in the bottom of the chimney and place the charcoal on top. Light from bottom or through the holes in the sides. Works for me and the price is right.
What a novel idea, Cy!

I'll have to try it once just for the fun of it, but the birds around here will be unhappy. They love using it to build into their nests, so I put it outside for them.

Would never do to short the birds. I keep the lint in a qt size ziplock - so do a "one for the birdy, one for the baggie trick. Sort of an equal lint giver.
Cy, I'm glad to hear that you are an equal-opportunity lint distributor. Wow! You must have Teflon clothing and linens...only a QUART bag of lint?

And then there's D. with tons of it, saving it for....?

Just kidding, guys, but talking about lint on a BBQ site just tickled my funnybone this morning.

LOL...I have a small garbage can in the basement by the dryer where I toss crap from pockets and dryer lint into. It takes a long time to fill it up!
Thanks for posting this, I can't find them at any on my home depots here either. I didn't realize weber had them on line. Ordered 10 of them. 7 bucks shipping plus tax came to $3,19 for each pack of 24. I get a full chimney going with just 1 in about 20 minutes of the kingsford. I use to use newspaper and kept a can of fat with a paint brush in my garage. That worked but it attracted rodents (mice). I hate scrounging around for stuff to burn. These little wax cubes are clean, store well, cheap and easy to figure out when I'm running low.
I just got my cubes last week so I should be good for a little while. I usually just use one cube as well and it work's great. No ashes that fly around.

