How many bags of Rancher?

Originally posted by LarryR:
Sad day
, I opened my last bag of Rancher from the $2.99 HD sale last night. Oh well, all good things must come to an end I suppose. I hope OSH or Trader Joes has a nice sale this spring as I'll be stocking-up again.

I went on the hunt yesterday for Rancher but found none. Tj's and OSH came up empty. The scary thing is that my local OSH could not even tell me if they will be selling Rancher this year. They already have tons of Kingsford and Lazarri Mesquite lump but no sign of Rancher.
Originally posted by Phil (Big Phil):
Guess maybe I missed it! Is it being closed out somewhere? We get the news a little slow here in Montana. A little help please?
It was a sale from Summer of 2007, I resurrected the thread by posting that I'd just run out of my "stash."
I've been out of Rancher for YEARS!! Here's some charcoal ramblin' for your reading pleasure:

Has anyone found a hardwood briquette like Rancher that lasts as long?

I don't think Stubbs does, and I wonder about the Royal Oak chefs select, or whatever it's called, that sells. I've heard it's pretty good, and smells like hardwood, but burns fairly fast. They've got a pretty good price on it, regardless.

Oh well... I guess I'll do the "B and B lump puzzle" Friday before doing my overnight low and slow butt cook. I need to start weighing my charcoal chamber for some kind of satisfaction after packing, shaking, pulling out, $#%^

I know what you "K" guys are thinking...(Why the @#3$ do these guys go to so much trouble when they can't tell the difference in taste, anyway..) I know. It's just in my head. I just don't like the K smell, but I'll probably give in soon enough!
I was told by Trader Joe's that they will be selling the same charcoal briquettes as they did last year. It is Rancher in TJ labeled bags. Don't have them yet
i still have 4 or 5 bags left of rancher. just been using the cheap ro that i bought on sale last year. i'm in no hurry so i can wait and see where stuff is going to be sold.
I bought many bags of that awesome Rancher's, back when Home Depot at it on sale back then. I've been only using Ranchers, for those "special" cooks. I've been using Kingsford, in between. Sad to say, I'm down to 13 bags now
You'd think that Trader Joe's and OSH would realize that BBQ is not seasonal as they put it. I have talked to the folks at Rancher and they told me that OSH and Trader Joe's would repeat the sale again this year. They are just waiting for them to place the order; well at least they are waiting for OSH, Trade Joe's will once again put their name on it again this year. I sure hope so as I only have 2 bags left.
I have been away for about a year and a half and just saw this thread. I couldn't believe it was still around. I finished my last bag of rancher last fall. I haven't been to TJ's for quite a while so haven't had a chance to pick up more. I have burning more lump since the rancher is gone.
i've talked to several "managers" at differant stores and they all said its a corporate decision and not theirs. the ones i talked to all said it was stupid as they know what can sell in their store but it makes no differance. the osh guy wanted more rancher last year but couldn't get it. said each store just got a certain amount and that was it.
Is Rancher on sale somewhere. I bought 40 2packs (21lb)of K at HD last spring. It's about time to resupply.
Picked up a bag at Trader Joe's today. 18lbs for $6.99. The guy said they JUST got it in, which I belive since there were only about four bags missing from the pallet.
Originally posted by Steve Wene:
Picked up a bag at Trader Joe's today. 18lbs for $6.99. The guy said they JUST got it in, which I belive since there were only about four bags missing from the pallet.
I guess I know where I am going after work!
I just picked up 6 bags of TJ's/Rancher tonight. Now I want to go back in the morning and pick up 6 more. I have learned one this this past winter. STOCK UP! I am convinced that I will want/need a 30 bag supply to get thru the winter so before TJ's or OSH takes them off the shelf this fall it's stock up time for me. The bags I got at TJ's tonight are 18 pound bags for $6.99 a bag. Considering last weekend I paid $9.99 each for a 12 pound bag of Kingsford Comp I am very happy.
Originally posted by Robert Clark:
Are you guys taking about lump or briquettes?
Rancher is a briquette made of 100% Hardwood. IMO one of the best made. Little ash, nice aroma and constant good heat. It is made by The Original Charcoal Company.
TJ's here had it last year. I've called five times in the past week, but the manager doesn't know when it'll be there. He said he expects to get it, just doesn't know when. Steve, I'm a nice guy so send me a few bags.
Checked at one in the area and was told they wouldn't have it 'til some time next month. It obviously wasn't the same one Steve went to. Guess I'll have to try the other one.

