How cold is too cold?


Chad Harwick

TVWBB Member
I am/was planning on doing my first butt this weekend, but they are calling for 5*F for the outside temp. I can make a decent wind break or move it to the other side of the house, but I'm wondering is there a point where it's too cold outside? This will be my first smoke by the way. I also picked up a clay "36" pot to go above my waterpan. Any thoughts?
Fuel consumption goes up as the outside temperature goes down, but as long as there's a suitable wind break, absolute zero is about the only limit to how cold is too cold.

My coldest WSM session was at 25 below. I remember a post here from the past year or two where somebody in Alaska fired up the WSM at 40 below.

It's amazing how we easily can rationalize our irrational behavior when we put our minds to it.

Wrap up and smoke on!

NICE!! I'm going for it then!! I'll just have to be diligent and not take the lid off until I have to no matter how curious I am.
It's really all about the wind. If you have a good day with no wind or you have a good windbreak, the WSM doesn't act that much different in the cold. I guarantee, however, that you won't be outside staring at your thermometer as long as you might on a warm day.
I've smoked at -15. Thanks to remote temp equipment too. LOL

Wind is what mess's things up. You should be ok with a windbreak tho.
Global warming my a$$. Up here in the winter wasteland known as New England, I merely throw on another layer of clothing. To this I fortify myself with a few shots of high octane adult beverage, basting whatever is inside the WSM with the same. The first weekend after New Year's I did a rib cook, the temp was a balmy 12F. Wally World had unsoaked ribs on special for 1.79lb... I woulda been crazy not to buy 'em. I was basting them with Jim Beam green label, and finished them with some sauce that I picked up in North Carolina over Christmas. First time I ever tried a vinegar based sauce and it was pretty good.

