Hot Wings On A Cold Night


Gregory R

TVWBB All-Star
First I want to thank Tony for the suggestion of moving the grills closer to the house for the winter. I set them up right outside the rear door to the garage - perfect!!

Now on to the wings. Put together an assortment of goodies

Mixed it all up and added it to a bowl of jointed wings

Needed a little antifreeze before I got the grill going

OK, time to play with fire!!

Put the wings on indirect with some Kiawe wood for smoke.

More to follow
OTG held true at 350 - Boy I love my Weber!!!

After about 20 minutes - gettin there

Moved to direct and put a small loaf on to crisp up

This one's for you, Bill!!

Plated with some store bought slaw

Grab a few, they'll take the chill out!!
Now that is how to cook wings, playing with fire LMAO

Well done my friend I know they tasted as good as they look. Great pics too
Gregory, that small bottle of Melinda's packs quite a smack of heat alone.... i'll wager a bundle those flappers were pretty tasty!
Wings look great! Becoming one of my favorite meals to play with. You look like you nailed them!
Nice work...looks super tasty...way worth braving the cold temps I gathered!!

Wings look super tasty..that plate looks like a winner!!

