Help Smoking Brisket WSM 18.5



New member
I need help perfecting my brisket smoking method with the WSM. I have smoked 8-10 now - good results but not great. My main complaint is that the brisket is not fork tender.

Here are my variable inputs every time:
-Select trimmed beef brisket ( usually between 8-10 lbs)
-Fat side up
-Average 250 degree varying between 225-275 for 8-12 hours (depending on brisket size and internal temp)
-water pan full (I usually don't refill water, maybe half evaporated when finished)
-wrap brisket in butcher paper after 4-5 hrs
-pull brisket after probe goes in flat easily between 190-205 degrees internal temp

Love the WSM and have great results with ribs. Just trying to perfect brisket. Thanks for your input!
A lot of people advocate for fat side down. I typically do fat side up just because I cut it fat side up and don't like grill impressions on that side. I also cooked briskets for a while on an offset where it makes sense to do it that way. Supposedly, the fat protects the meat if its fat side down. I'm not sure it matters one way or the other. I've done both ways.

The only tips I can think of it try to get USDA Choice briskets. Sam's usually has them for the same price as Selects at Walmart. It's worth the membership.

The other is to get full packers not trimmed so you can control how it's trimmed. Trimmed briskets usually have too much fat cut off.

Maybe you are pulling too early? Usually if its cooked long enough it's fork tender, you just might wind up with a dry crumbly brisket which is no good.

Anyway, I'm the last person who should give advice on this. I'm still trying to perfect it myself. I'm just cooking one right now so brisket is on my mind! I've got a stubborn one and its cooking super slow. It's 10:49 internal temp of 190 and I've got guests coming over at 2. Started it at 9 last night. I'm about to start probing for tenderness.

Part of the fun, and the problem is you really never know what you've got til you slice into it! Maybe the guys with more experience do!
I had Sam's membership thinking better cuts of meat and so forth, a lot of times I bought better looking select packers at wallys than choice at sam's

