Hello from Western NY


Frank C. in NY

TVWBB Member
Greetings Weber community. I thought I would check in and say hello. I have been a long time lurker here trying to take as much information as I could from the site.

I have wanted to try my hand at smoking foods for a while now. A few little signs over the past two weeks has convinced me it's time. First, the wife unit won the main prize at a meat raffle last week. It was a gift certificate for $400 from our local butcher. Perfect time to get some different cuts of meat. Secondly, my local hardware store closed down and was bought out by Ace Hardware. When ever I went into the old place they never had anything I needed. I always gave them the benefit of the doubt and tried to buy local and not from the big box stores, but it was to no eval. I gave Ace a shot looking for a small hose for my weed whacker. Not only did they have the hose, but I went back two more times that day for other things and they had those as well! Anyways, the first time I walked in I saw they were a Weber dealer. I looked over at the display thinking they wouldn't have any smokers and there were three brand new WSM's (14, 18 and 22) sitting there. Perfect!!! I wanted to compare the 18 and the 22 for a while. I was leaning towards the 22 (go big or go home theory) but had the thrifty-ness to consider saving a hundo and getting the 18. I am so glad I looked at them. When push came to shove I would be more angry with myself for not spending the extra cash for the size. With the comparison being the 18 and the 22, size did matter.

So, my trip to the store started with the hopes of finding a $1.50 hose had ended three trips later and included a WSM 22, two bags of chunks (apple and cherry), an extra grate for the bottom and the hose clamps to go with it. Bad news...no large chimney's and they had no....yes no Kingsford in stock. That problem was solved by a trip to Home Depot.

The big cook number one will be this Sunday. I'm going to do chicken haves, nice and easy as shown here on the site marinated in a local sauce over night. That coupled with mac and cheese, a vegetable of some sort and the monthly WWE PPV (don't laugh...lol) will make for a good Sunday night!

I'll have a thread up with my results hopefully soon!
Welcome to the group Frank. Only 3 trips to the store in one day? Your planning skills are better than mine :)

