Hello from Arizona!


Kurt Neurauter

TVWBB Member
Hi all,
Glad to finally introduce myself after just reading for the past few months here. Here in summertime temperatures of 105+F I've already learned that I can/need to use less coals overall and definitely start with less lit coals in starting the Minion Method. Here I've found 5-10 lit coals helps me avoid needing to cool hot start in the WSM (in the summer).
Other things I try to do are give BBQ a southwest taste to it. I make up green chili/jalapeño sauces a lot.

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to contributing to the group!
Great to have you with us Kurt! Looking forward to your future posts AND cooks!
Hope you have a nice camera;)
Welcome to the site. I'm fairly new to the WSM but also a fellow Arizonan. Look forward to seeing the tasty goodness that will come from your WSM...
Welcome Kurt! 105+ would probably change my bbq style a bit.
Like grab the smoker, drive to Flagstaff and up a mountain to cook and cool off.

