Ground beef--ground chuck?



I am making burgers and want ground
chuck. The local supermarkets
and BJs sell ground beef. Is ground
chuck only found at butcher shops? Also if I take chuck cubes and grind them in the mixer attachment for the kitchen aid mixer would I get the same results?
ground chuck is available at at least one chain around here (so's ground round).

You could probably buy a chuck roast & have them grind it for you right at the meat counter, or yes, you could put it through your grinder.

A lot of people around here have custom mixes (i.e. grind in some brisket).
Ground beef,chuck,round,sirloin,most times indicate only the percentage of fat versus lean in any particular grind...meaning ground beef is 75/25...chuck is 80/20.....sirloin is 90/ my opinion once you grind any cut you then have ground beef,it is then the fat percentage in it that they call it chuck,round,sirloin,extra lean etc.Individual laws will vary by state,but that is what i am used to seeing in Texas.
but "ground beef" can be any cut with fat added correct? Ground chuck and round are from different parts of the cow... right?
Originally posted by Rob:
but "ground beef" can be any cut with fat added correct? Ground chuck and round are from different parts of the cow... right?
You are correct sir!

Ground Beef can be made from any cut.

Chuck is the front shoulder and Round is the rear thigh.

I understand that Ground Brisket makes for excellent burgers!
Originally posted by Rob:
Also if I take chuck cubes and grind them in the mixer attachment for the kitchen aid mixer would I get the same results?

If you have the mixer attachment grind your own! Try grinding up some brisket!
Rob-you are correct that ground chuck is from the shoulder,round from the back leg,sirloin from the sirloin,etc....that is the way it should be,but i have only seen inspectors so far testing the percentage of fat in the different labeled grinds,i don't think they have the testing equipment so far to determine where from off the animal the beef is from,only the fat content....and yes,most places use the trimmings from the days cutting when they grind it and selling it as (ground beef)....the grinds labeled ground chuck or round,sirloin,etc,usually come in from the packers,where they have federal inspectors on duty when ever any processing is done.If you have your own grinder by all means grind your own-no questions then on what you have.
Round, Chuck or Sirlion once u grind it it is ground beef, the only diff is the fat content and flavor, 1lb of Chuck with 1lb of Sirlion mixed with 1 log of Jimmy Dean sausage make the best tasting burgers in my opinion.
We use the 90/10 from Sams Club and have for yrs ! IMO its outstanding ! 80/20 has just to much grease for us but YMMV .
When we want ground sirlon we grind it ourself. We use some kina meat grinder thing my wife bought for her giant mixer .

