Greetings from Pennsylvania



Hi everyone,

My name is Tim, and I've just picked up a new-to-me Weber Genesis Silver B grill.

Ordered replacement lower pan rails and a new thermometer today, and I'm heading to the local ... "hardware" store after work to attempt to procure replacement ignitor parts. I want to make this grill ship-shape, so first priorities are to make it fully functional, then I'll get into refurbishing / etc.

Does anyone know of a good (even specific to the Genesis Silver B) resto project detailed on this forum?

Anyways, thank you for having me and happy grilling!

Can't help you with your restore, but I did want to give you a shout out. Welcome to the forum
Thanks all.

How do I post pictures on this forum? I appear to be "unable" to post a picture, and I'd be glad to share some "before" shots!
Thank you for the warm welcome eveyone!

Bob, special thanks for the help: I will indeed heed your esteemed leads.

New burners, new ignitor installed today and some crucial parts ordered! Fun is restoring a quality object to its intended condition!

Recent hobby of owning older cars and refurbishing / restoring them is definitely an asset in the Webby Universe!

Happy Grilling everyone!

So perhaps I should ask for advice as to where to direct questions like this, but as I have just enjoyed another meal from the Grill, it's hard to be motivated:

1. I noticed that there was a bunch of black crusty material on the inside of the lid, which for the first time in my life I applied my scraper to. It just flaked right off. Forgive me if this is a "new guy" question, but I've never cared enough about a grill to try to remove it. It came right off. So the question is, is that stuff peeling paint (I doubt it) or is it just accumulated grime and grease from all the stuff that's been cooked?

2. I'm thinking seriously about trying to restore this grill to near perfect condition. Currently, I can see that it will need a lot of sanding, repainting and refurbishing with new materials. Today, I replaced the stainless steel burners, and while I was at it noticed that the manifold is definitely corroded and in need of replacement. The basic question is, for those who have done this before, am I better off cutting my losses and going new right now, or going through this refurbish? In other words, is there anything about the Genesis Silver B that makes it better or more desirable than a new model? Either way, I'll probably tackle the refurb just for fun, but I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks regarding any merits of this particular grill, which I like a LOT after only even two days of ownership.

Please direct me to the proper subcategory if these questions are not in the right place, thank you all again and:

Happy Grilling!

Tim, the black crusty material on the inside of the lid is accumulated carbon deposits. This builds up over time and as you've found out is easy to remove.

Welcome to the forum.

Thanks again everyone.

I'm going to attempt to post a couple photos here, then start a "refurb" thread in the grill section. Thanks in advance for bearing with me as I attempt my first photo link on this site.



Let's see if the photo link worked ...

Thanks in advance for putting up with me trying these newfangled internets!


