Grass Fed Brisket Cook Question


Doug KC

I have a couple grass fed briskets that I'm cooking for the 4th. Unfortunately these briskets are trimmed pretty good with regards to the fat cap. I am a low and slow guy with brisket but think this might call for the high heat method due to the lack of fat cap.

Any thoughts?

It's not so much the lack of fatcap as it is the lower interior fat deposits common to grass-fed and -finished beef. If grass-fed but grain-finished there shouldn't be much difference. If the former, I'd definitely go HH, would foil sooner, and would expect the meat to finish sooner as well.
I've done several 100% grass fed briskets. Like all grass fed beef, they tend to be leaner. High heat seems to be the way to go. The "done" window is short, so watch carefully.
Thanks. I believe they are 100% grass fed. I have 4 flats @ 5-6 lbs each going on the 22.5" WSM. I will crank it up to 350 and let 'er go. I don't have much experience with the high heat. I'm guessing a 4 - 4.5 hour cook?
Standard briskets only take me 4 hours. I would expect a shorter time. As mentioned, I would foil sooner - like the 2-hour mark (or 160 if you are temping) - then start checking for tender 75-80 min later.

