Formula for big cook

OK, I'm cooking for 130-150 this weekend, doing pulled pork sammies.

Assuming there are chips, salads and desserts, what is my basic formula for calculating how much meat I need to buy? I thought I remembered a 40% weight loss during cooking and then plan 1/4 to 1/3 pound of meat per person.

It's been a while since I've done a big one and I don't want to screw about my purchasing tonight.

I usually count on 30-35% loss if the butt is pre-trimmed and boneless. I usually count on 6 oz per person for adults. Another thing to consider is whether or not you are serving or if people are helping themselves. If it's pot luck buffet style I find people tend to take more and waste more than if you are portioning the sammies yourself. If my math is right your looking at about 80lbs precooked. The butts I get are approximately 8 lbs so I would need 10 butts and since I'm a little paranoid about running out I would cook 11 to be on the safe side. Left-overs are always nice for the organizers and helpers after the event is over.
Thanks, Bob. I like your math.

However, I should probably clarify, that I'll be buying standard Sam's butts, which are bone-in and have a pretty large fat cap, that I often trim down a bit. That's why I'm thinking at least 40% loss after cooking . . . seem reasonable?

In that case I would definitely go with 40%. We don't have Sam's here so never used or seen their butts. So your looking at 95lbs pre-trimmed and cooked plus the extra butt for the paranoid factor. Check my math.
William -

I have always heard a good formula is 10 oz. precooked weight per person for pulled pork.

150 X 10 = 1,500 oz. ÷ 16 (to get lbs.) = 93.75 lbs. precooked weight, so maybe 12-14 butts @ 8 lbs. each.
This gets a little anal and arrives at a similar number, but the calculations can be used on any meat by adjusting the shrinkage percentage:


(a x b) / (c - d) = e

then in lbs.

e / 16 = f

a = total amount of people
b = amount of cooked meat per person in oz.
c = 100%
d = % of loss from bone or fat/cooking loss
e = amount of raw meat in oz.
f = amount of raw meat in lbs


100 people, 6 oz of cooked meat per person, 40% shrinkage

(100 x 6) / (100%-40%)

= 600/60%

= 1000 oz. (raw meat)

1000 / 16 = 62.5 lbs (raw meat)
remember to ask for case pricing... can be nearly 50% off and they (at least my Costco) don't advertise it.
One thing to remember is the size of the bun, large or small people will fill up the bun, so I always use a small bun. 6 oz on a small bun will look big and fat.
I usually calculate 2 people per raw lb of boston butt. Since you are cooking for 140 people, I would buy 70 - 75 lbs of raw meat or about 10 boston butts.

