Flank Steak New Recipe

Interesting. I usually break off the bottom but I am all about not wasting food. Thanks. My wife hates the broccoli stalk but I love it. Sometimes I julienne the stalk and make broccoli slaw, but most of the time I just chop it up and eat away. I never thought about peeling the broccoli though...
Chris the outer skin of the stalk can be chewy and some times a little bitter. Mostly it's about the chew, some guys cut the last four of five inches off but they are super tender if you just use a veggie peeler and do it like a carrot.
Same is true with Broccoli, actually more so because the lower stalks are tough and chewy, but if you use a pairing knife and take off that outer layer of tough skin the inside is delicious and tender.

I have also just begun peeling away the hard outer layer on Gus in the last few months... Big difference

